Polls and projections for Lower Saxony

Lower Saxony, Hanover and Lower Saxony. The federal election is coming up. Here you will not only find information about the new candidates, here you can also read forecasts, trends, projections and current figures. The date of a Bundestag election is set by our Federal President in consultation with our Federal Government and the Länder. For developments of the main parties and popular parties around CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens and The Left, as well as Free Voters, AfD and The Party. From North Rhine-Westphalia to Baden-Württemberg, we have the latest projections for the federal election. Here is the projection for Lower Saxony in Lower Saxony. According to Article 39 of the Basic Law, it takes place every four years.

CDU parliamentary group in Lower Saxony

As a party of the middle and people’s party, the CDU / CSU is now always active for over fifty years. In the German Bundestag, the CDU / CSU always appears as a jointly acting parliamentary group. Thus it is a community of deputies. What do you vote here? 1,946,518 people will vote for the CDU / CSU. Further information about the CDU / CSU or find more about the CDU / CSU on Wikipedia.

Election program and principle of the SPD

The SPD, or the Social Democratic Party of Germany, is represented nationwide and also in many state parliaments with its programs for financial policy, domestic policy and education policy. According to forecasts, the Social Democrats expect to gain 5 percentage points in the election. Small and large families are to be promoted more purposefully in their environment and in their individual drafts. The SPD has a similar number of members as the CDU, due to the surprising candidacy of Chancellor candidate Martin Schulz, it got extremely many members in 2017. Its membership is higher than that of the other parties. How do people vote in Lower Saxony? The SPD currently gets 38.3% in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) with 1,699,556 votes. At the same time 33.1% of the second votes in the district with 1.470.005 voters. Here you can find more information about the SPD.

The Bundestag parliamentary group of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen

As a party at the federal level, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen are of course particularly concerned with environmentally friendly policies. For them, it’s all about environmental policy. Who do you vote for here? There are 299,885 voters for Die Grünen, which is 6.8% of the citizens here. Additional information about Die Grü nen or find more information about Die Grünen on Wikipedia.

The Left Party: Election Programme

By common union of SPD exits, the WASG and the East German Linkspartei.PDS was created on 16 June 2007 Die Linke. Predicted convinces the Die Linke on 189.645 voters, converted are that 4.3% of the voters here in Lower Saxony and 5.0% of the second votes were given for the Die Linke in Lower Saxony. More information about Die Linke.

Principles and Election Programme of the AFD (Alternative for Germany)

The AfD party was founded in February 2013 as a reaction to the euro bailout. The party is located to the right of the parties of the centre, it is predominantly classified as right-wing populist. What is the situation of the AfD in Lower Saxony? Predicted, the AfD in Lower Saxony currently receives 1.9% with 82,424 votes. At the same time 3.7% of the second votes in the district with 165,875 voters. More information on the AfD, also on Wikipedia.

The Liberals (FDP) Group

Not so long ago, the Liberal Party was almost written off in the minds of most eligible voters, the FDP, also The Liberals, are right of center . Here are the current election forecasts for Lower Saxony. will win the party for themselves in Lower Saxony (Lower Saxony) and 4.2% of the second votes to the election. Here you can find more about the FDP or read more about the FDP on Wikipedia.

CDU / CSU, SPD, The Greens, The Left, FDP and the AfD: Policy areas for this year

The following policy areas will guide the parties’ next election campaign:

  1. German reparation policy
  2. Domestic policy
  3. Energy policy
  4. European policy
  5. Security policy
  6. Agricultural policy
  7. Sports policy
  8. Environmental policy
  9. Health policy

Lower Saxony: Trends

The forecast for constituency 903. Here you can find the election forecast for Lower Saxony’s most important city Hannover.

Parties Voter Percent
CDU/CSU 1.946.518 43.9%
Second vote CDU/CSU 1.825.592 41.1%
SPD 1.699.556 38.3%
Second vote SPD 1.470.005 33.1%
FDP 82.291 1.9%
Second vote FDP 185.647 4.2%
The Left 189.645 4.3%
Second vote The Left 223.935 5.0%
The Greens 299.885 6.8%
Second vote The Greens 391.901 8.8%
AfD 82.424 1.9%
Second vote AfD 165.875 3.7%
independent voters 29.234 0.7%
Second vote Free Voters 21.773 0.5%
The party 0 0.0%
Second vote The Party 0 0.0%

Basis/Source: The Federal Election Commissioner / Wiesbaden 2016 / Result of the election to the 18th German Bundestag on 22 September 2013 converted to the 299 constituencies in the delimitation determined for the 2017 Bundestag election.

More information about Hannover and Lower Saxony:

  • Forecast Hanover

Surveys in all federal states