Country house: Build, buy or rent – The right choice for families & nature lovers

Country house – The purchase of a house can be done both as a capital investment and as a step into the future. There are numerous house types such as the villa, the bungalow, the terraced house or also the low-energy house. However, if one encounters the term country house, then the image of a romantic-rustic cottage rises in the head of many. Over the selection of the property up to the reorganization. The decision to build, buy or rent a country house comes with various advantages and disadvantages. Features, cost, financing are all crucial factors. A secluded country house in the countryside with individual charm is suitable for families or those seeking relaxation. Click here to go back to the overview of the different types of houses.

Key Facts -

What is meant by a country house? Features, definition and specifics

A country house is defined as a residential building, which is located on an estate. Mostly it is a large property to which a spacious garden belongs. Size, open space and a romantic, rustic style determine the image of a country house. Townhouses in country house style are becoming more and more popular. Both advantages, the good infrastructure and the rustic exterior appearance, are thus combined.

The massive structures with generous proportions are strikingly designed by the long balconies, terraces, dormers and pavilions. Real wood is a defining material of the country house – folding shutters, windows, doors and railings provide the harmonious style of the house. In some cases, a conservatory or carport is also part of the house. Warm tones, stone, ceramics, rattan and a tiled stove provide a feel-good atmosphere and bring relaxation and recreation.

Room layout: changeable floor plan with living room and large kitchen

A country house stands for individuality, the arbitrarily selectable floor plans lead to different room layouts. This popular country house variant can be changed to your own liking and needs. The living room is traditionally furnished with large sofas and antique furniture. The picture is completed by textiles such as tablecloths, throws and pillows. In the style of a log cabin, the sleeping area usually appears. The kitchen could also be considered a second living room. Enough space to get together and communicate and numerous chairs make the kitchen a true community room. In addition, there is a dining room with spacious wooden dining tables and the attic with wooden floorboards.

You want to buy or build a house, but don’t know which one is right for you? Then take a look at our guide to house types from A – Z! Here you will find all house types, from bungalow to terraced house!

Advantages & Disadvantages: Location, infrastructure and more

For many people, the charm of a country house lies in its secluded, quiet location, but the rural location can also bring disadvantages. Infrastructure, amenities, surroundings and cost are key considerations when it comes to building or buying a country house. The intermediate solution between a country house and a town house, would be a small house in the city in country style.

Advantages: Retreat, custom floor plan and large outdoor space.

A secluded country house offers many advantages in contrast to a city house. The quiet location in the country promises a retreat from the noisy life in the city.

Due to the spacious plot, the builder is not bound to a specific floor plan and can build on the space according to his own needs. Antique furniture and natural materials speak for a high quality of life and living. In addition to the interior of the house, you can also adapt the outdoor area and the green space to your own wishes and design the outdoor area with lawns, flower beds and useful plants.

  • Retreat due to quiet location
  • Extensive property
  • High quality of life and living
  • Large outdoor area

Cons: Poor infrastructure & internet connection

However, a country house can also bring negative points with it. The secluded location in the countryside is associated with a poor infrastructure and usually leads to long journeys into the city to visit shops, schools, doctors or the workplace. It is necessary to own a car or even several cars for families. Due to the distant location, there can often be problems with the Internet connection.

If the country house is a new build, there may be additional higher costs to the builder. In addition to the costs incurred for the laying of supply lines for electricity, gas and water, there are also the maintenance costs for the country estate over the years. Regular maintenance of the interior and exterior requires time: the garden must be tended, fences as well as paths must be repaired and existing animals must be fed and cared for.

  • Secluded location -> long commutes to school, work & co.
  • Poor infrastructure
  • Poor internet connection
  • Maintenance costs for the estate
  • Time-intensive maintenance of the interior and exterior areas

Energy rules for homeowners, builders & Co: Insulation, heating and energy certificates

Homeowners and builders should not forget the energy rules when it comes to building the house. The three biggest issues here are heating, insulation and energy performance certificates. Which regulations and specifications for this are to be observed for lovers of the country house, are explained in the following.

Learn more about here:

Heating: replacement of oil and gas boilers

Owners of oil or gas boilers should note that boilers older than 30 years must be taken out of service. The German Energy Agency exempts low-temperature and condensing boilers from this rule, as well as owners of detached and semi-detached houses who were using at least one apartment in the house themselves on 1 February.

Insulate: Roofs and upper floors

The homeowner must insulate the ceilings of heated rooms that border on an unheated attic, i.e. the roof or the top floor ceiling of the house. Here too, Dena excludes all homeowners who used at least one apartment in their house on 1 February 2002.

Energy certificates: Energy classes from A+ to H

Another change in the provisions of the energy regulations concerns the energy certificate. From now on, the energy requirement is to be divided into different energy efficiency classes from A+ to H. Real estate advertisements that are placed must contain this information on energy efficiency. This is intended to give consumers, tenants and buyers more clarity about their own energy consumption.

Land: selection and characteristics of the right plot

Not all land is considered building land and can be built on in whatever form. According to §30 or §34 of the Building Code (BauBG), the land must be considered designated building land so that a home can be built there without restriction.

The right choice in the selection of land is a crucial factor in the construction of a country house. One of the most important points for every homeowner is the prevailing infrastructure and the connection to the transport network. So-called “micro-factors” are also not insignificant when it comes to building a house, these include, for example, disturbing factors in the vicinity of the property such as electricity pylons, noise or electrosmog, as well as the orientation of the garden.

The development plan provides information on the acquisition of building land and the height of the groundwater level. In addition, the plan also regulates provisions on the ground floor and floor height to roof pitch and the floor area ratio.

An amount of 800-2,000€ should be calculated for a soil expertise. This can be used to find contaminated sites in the soil such as oil or building rubble.

Checklist: Choice of the plot

In order to find the perfect property, there are some important factors to consider. Here you will find the most important key points summarized in a compact checklist for you:

  • Is it designated building land?
  • Is a good infrastructure available?
  • Are there any interfering factors in the environment?
  • What is the nature of the building land?
  • Is a soil expertise required?

More info here: Buy land

Important aspects when building a country house: architect, developer & co.

The construction of a house presents the builder with a great challenge. A house construction, no matter whether prefabricated house or solid house, is a protracted project. With unforeseen construction delays should always be expected, by these the costs can be massively driven up.

There are two options when building a house: If you work with an architect, the house can be built completely individually and personally tailored to your needs. The developer, on the other hand, usually presents you with pre-planned solutions and modules that can be put together.

Cheap plots of land can be purchased especially in regions that are concerned about the influx of new citizens. Although this location may not correspond to their desired location, money can be saved here.

What you should consider before buying/renting a country house

Country houses are available for both purchase and rent and are popular with many builders with their special charm. With either option, attention should be paid to the condition of the property and any defects. Popular when buying are country style townhouses, while when building the typical country house is the first choice between the two options.

The furnishings play a decisive role in a country house, because this type of house is determined above all by its individuality. So that the floor plan can be designed according to one’s own preferences, a large plot of land should be chosen.

Another point to pay attention to is the energy efficiency of the house. The new energy regulations also apply to the country house and save you money in the long run.

Build or Buy: Arguments and comparison – Building a house vs. buying a house

Prospective buyers of a country house are faced with the question of whether to build or buy the house. Both building a house and buying a house bring with them various advantages and disadvantages after which each prospective house buyer must decide for himself which variant is the best.

House construction: first-time residents in an energy-efficient house

If you decide to build your own house, you have the opportunity to freely design the interior and the room layout. As a first-time resident, you benefit from the latest technology and can permanently reduce your costs with an energy-efficient home of your own. Even though the search for suitable building land is another item on the to-do list, the builder can choose the location of his house himself.

However, the exact costs of the house cannot be calculated as a lump sum, as many individual influencing factors affect the builder. As a guideline, however, the following average value of a self-built detached house of 1,300 euros per square metre can be used.

Buying a house: Prices determined by location

Buyers of a country house can not design their house according to their own needs, but these are also spared the costly and time-consuming construction phase. This not only saves costs, but the house can also be occupied more quickly. Even if the floor plan and room layout cannot be planned according to one’s own wishes, a modernization after the purchase can adapt the house more to one’s own needs.

It is possible that hidden circumstances that reduce the value of a purchased house only come to light in retrospect. The large part of the purchase price of the house today is determined by the location of the property.

Tip. Read more about buying a house here: Find out everything about financial planning, estate agents, loans, ancillary costs & Co.

Build or buy a country home: Tips & options for financing

Whether buying or building doesn’t always make a significant difference financially. The difference between buying a house and building a house when it comes to financing is this:

When buying a house, the loan is disbursed in its entirety, whereas when building a house, the money is only called up after the next stage of construction has been completed, on presentation of the invoices.

A solid cost plan with payment intervals should be calculated as a matter of urgency. It is not decisive whether equity capital is contributed to the project or not. In addition, a property valuation must be carried out when buying. The value of the property is calculated with the help of internal formulas, which ultimately determines the amount of the loan.

To finance the construction, the bank usually gives loans that are repaid month by month in installments. Older properties usually receive lower loans from the bank than new buildings. If the fixed period of usually 3 to 18 months is exceeded, interest surcharges are added. The loan may be followed by follow-up financing.

Tips for refurbishing a country house: subsidies, value enhancement & Co.

A renovation can not only ensure that energy is saved and the ancillary costs are significantly reduced, but also increase the value of the house. In contrast to the value of the house, the risk of damage decreases. In the area of insurance costs, a core renovation is therefore worthwhile: Premiums to be paid for houses without renovation are significantly more expensive.

It is important to get an overview and to set priorities. The areas that require particular urgency, such as repairs to leaking windows, should be renovated first.

Information on subsidies and companies should be carefully researched: For example, you may be entitled to subsidies from the state. Trade directories, relatives or the Internet can help you select the right companies.

Tip. Check out our article on valuation to estimate the value of your home.

Suitable for individualists, families & nature lovers

Due to its location in the countryside, many people use the country house as a retreat and sanctuary in contrast to the fast-paced and noisy city life. Large families benefit from the generous and expansive space of the property. Convince do the country houses by their individual style of architecture.

Families with children: large outdoor area for children and pets

The spacious living and outdoor area offers especially large families enough space for children, pets and yard animals. The children can use the space on the property as a playground and are protected from dangers such as busy roads. However, the disadvantage of the remote location in the countryside for families can be longer journeys to school and kindergarten.

Nature lovers and those seeking relaxation: quiet location away from the city

People who enjoy being in nature and appreciate life away from the city. The secluded, quiet location offers success and relaxation from the stressful city life and everyday work. Due to the large property, hobby rooms and wellness facilities can be easily integrated here.

Individualists: individual houses according to personal style

Country houses come in different styles and each style can be adapted to your own personal style. This makes this type of house ideal for individualists who like to incorporate their own individual taste into the house planning and design. Both in the room layout and the decoration can be followed their own needs.

Checklist for your country house: heating, equipment, purchase contract & Co.

Everyone has different wishes and needs for their own home, so especially with the individual country house. From the floor plan to the last details, there is much to consider here.

What kind of property, the best option for you, depends entirely on individual taste. So it behaves also with the size and dimensions of the outdoor facilities of the real estate. In addition to the obvious things, important points such as heating method or thermal insulation should also play a role.

Here’s a checklist of key points to consider when choosing your home:

  • Heating method
  • Thermal insulation
  • Bathroom equipment
  • Windows (number, glazing)
  • Outdoor facilities
  • Number of rooms

Review of the purchase contract / rental agreement

In the real estate contract, points such as the personal details of the buyer and seller, the negotiated price as well as a description and the location of the property must be recorded. In addition, this should provide information about the equipment, furniture and known existing defects in the house and in the house. Information on the handling of the payment as well as the time of handing over the keys should also be included in the contract of the property.

It is particularly important to note in the contract that liability for material defects is excluded. Otherwise, the seller may be liable to the buyer for damages for defects already known.

Selling a plot of land: Procedure, building law, estate agent & Co.

You want to sell your property but are still looking for information? First of all, a valuation of the property must be carried out. Whether privately or with the help of a real estate agent – marketing is the key to finding interested parties and getting the best possible price for your property. In the following article you will find everything you need to know about selling your property.