Selling real estate in Frankfurt am Main: procedure, costs, comparisons of house, apartment – Tips
Selling property in Frankfurt am Main – Whether modern Nordend, up-and-coming Gallus, international Westend or the popular neighbouring town of Offenbach, the current price trend makes it worthwhile to sell your property in Frankfurt! You want to sell your apartment, your apartment building or your property in Frankfurt? Find out here what you need to bear in mind when selling your property in Frankfurt. In addition: Our free guides and tips on the topics of property valuation, off market and all prices per square metre in Frankfurt – Welcome to Frankfurt! Back to overview: Real Estate Frankfurt.
Most popular districts in Frankfurt: numbers and statistics
If you want to live in Frankfurt am Main, you can choose from 43 different districts! For each of these districts, the real estate market – regardless of whether it is a single apartment or an entire house – is different in terms of demand, prices and offers. The seller of the property should also be aware of this, as the selling price to be achieved depends on numerous factors in these districts.
Each district differs in terms of demand, prices & offers
Find an overview of residential locations in Frankfurt here. The ten most populous districts of Frankfurt at a glance (in descending order of population):
No. | District | Area in km² |
Inhabitants | Female | Male | Inhabitants per km² |
1 | Bockenheim | 8031 | 40792 | 20482 | 20310 | 5097 |
2 | Gallus | 4112 | 40250 | 18866 | 21384 | 9788 |
3 | Sachsenhausen North | 4232 | 32484 | 16626 | 15858 | 7676 |
4 | Bornheim | 2786 | 30533 | 16110 | 14423 | 10959 |
5 | North End West | 3100 | 30518 | 15625 | 14893 | 9845 |
6 | Ostend | 5561 | 29171 | 14980 | 14191 | 5246 |
7 | Sachsenhausen South | 3471 | 28440 | 14682 | 13758 | 819 |
8 | Niederrad | 3182 | 25557 | 12809 | 12748 | 8032 |
9 | Griesheim | 5100 | 24028 | 11121 | 12907 | 4711 |
10 | Nordend East | 1532 | 23028 | 11947 | 11081 | 15031 |
(Source: City of Frankfurt, as of 31.12.2018)
Most attractive districts in and around Frankfurt am Main: Westend, Offenbach & Co.
Here you can see the ten districts of Frankfurt with the highest price increases for real estate. Due to the very dynamic development of the city, especially the construction of the ECB, the Ostend has dramatically increased in value. Höchst and Nied, on the other hand, are still regarded as problem districts. But here too, as in Griesheim or Bonames, the micro-location of your property is of decisive importance with regard to the selling price to be achieved. Here are not only the most exclusive properties in the city together, but also the most expensive streets in Frankfurt.
The ten most popular districts at a glance:
Ostend: Diverse & up-and-coming district
Especially here in the east, Frankfurt’s true strength becomes apparent: the Hessian way of life combines quite naturally with the pulse of a modern business metropolis. The extensive riverside park merges imperceptibly into Frankfurt’s inland port. In the European Central Bank, decisions are made that help determine the development of nations, while next door, in a traditional butcher’s shop, bankers and craftsmen celebrate shoulder to shoulder eating their beef sausage, the hearty speciality that true Frankfurters love far more than the sausages named after the city.
Westend: location of international companies and popular residential area
The companies and businesses located in Frankfurt’s Westend place a lot of value on a beautiful cityscape, which is why the main street is characterized by cafés and restaurants. In addition, here you can find everything that is missing besides food for personal well-being, fitness studios, tanning salons and more. Thus, the physical well-being is definitely guaranteed. The popular districts Nordend and Gallus are also not far away. You can convince yourself of this. Goethestraße, Frankfurt’s top spot for designer and luxury fashion, is also not far away. This street directly adjoins the old opera house and leads to Goetheplatz in the city centre. All this is made possible by the fact that the city is comparatively small in Germany and thus has a fairly compressed city center.
Nordend: Modern district full of art nouveau buildings
The streetscape of Frankfurt’s Nordend is not at all characterised by the typical Frankfurt skyscrapers. Apartmentbuildings and townhouses offer space for families, retirees and singles alike. Directly adjoining the Nordend is the well-known Westend, where banks such as UBS, KfW and more, as well as large consulting firms such as the Boston Consulting Group have their offices. Without question, one of the largest economic centers of the Rhine-Main area is located here and this is also reflected in the real estate prices. Because around the Glauburgstraße, which is located in the Nordend, the real estate prices are comparable to the Westend and the Innenstadt district.
Gallus: Trade fair district with international flair
A lot has happened in this tradition-rich inner city district in recent years. Old industrial buildings have either been demolished and given way to new residential developments, or – like the former Adlerwerke – they have become established cultural venues. With the mixture of restaurants, agencies for creative professions, workshops and even service complexes, right up to Frankfurt’s No. 1 shopping address – the Skyline Plaza – a kind of model city district has almost developed. You can live, work and play here in close proximity! In addition, there are excellent public transport links via the main railway station and connections to the national road network via Mainzer Landstraße.
Offenbach am Main: Real estate in the popular suburb of Frankfurt
The city has a population of around 126,000, which puts it in fifth place among the cities in the state of Hesse. Formerly known as the centre of the leather goods industry, the city is part of the Rhine-Main conurbation and borders directly on the metropolis of Frankfurt in the west. At present, Offenbach presents itself primarily as a university location and service centre. Due to the proximity to Frankfurt, undreamt-of opportunities open up as far as the job market is concerned. In addition, real estate prices in Offenbach are increasingly on the rise, which means that investing in a property in the beautiful Hessian city is worthwhile.
Sell property Frankfurt: Apartment, land & apartment building
Rents and purchase prices for real estate in Frankfurt am Main are therefore among the most expensive in the whole of Germany. At the same time, the prices per square metre in Frankfurt’s city centre are naturally often quite different from those in the neighbouring districts. Especially in the city centre and in the districts along the Main, the prices for buying real estate in Frankfurt are very high. The high price level has long since spread to the outer city limits and to the surrounding countryside.
What to look out for when selling real estate? – Checklist with the important factors
Selling your own property a piece of cake? That’s what many homeowners believe – regardless of whether it’s a single-family home or an
These are the three things you should look for at the beginning of your selling intentions:
- How well can you turn off your emotions when determining value?
- Do you have an objective view of the location and condition of the property?
- Do you know the potential buyer’s perspective on your property?
An experienced real estate agent in Frankfurt has the necessary experience and distance to your property to place it professionally on the market! Always in view: the best possible selling price for your property.
Preparation: building plans, price calculation and property valuation
A good real estate agent not only accompanies you through the entire sales process, but also advises you on the topics of finance and taxes. Your trusted real estate agent will also help you with his experience and expertise in determining the purchase price,
A real estate agent will also advise you on the following from the outset:
- Necessary or negligible renovations before the sale (including recommendation of the right craftsmen and architects)
- Possible buyer target groups for your property
- Successful marketing channels
- Correct determination of the sales price
- Professional presentation of your property in the exposé
- Organisation and realisation of viewing appointments
Tip. Learn everything you need to know to value your property accordingly: Property valuation explained!
Sales process: marketing and credit assessment
If you have little or no opportunity to accompany and complete the sales process yourself – for example, because your home is too far from Frankfurt, you live abroad or you shy away from the tiresome customer meetings – then use a real estate agent as a full-service partner when selling your house.
Your advantages at a glance:
- No organisation of viewing appointments
- No lengthy discussions with interested parties
- No technically incorrect answers possible to the prospective buyer
- No preparation of contract papers for sale
- Do not listen to endless readings at the notary’s office
Discreetly selling Frankfurt real estate: Off Market Tips
Selling a house without announcing it publicly – how is that supposed to work? Good and discreet estate agents know how to bring the two worlds together. Most of the time, maximum discretion also has positive effects on the selling price and the speed with which a property changes hands.
Discretion has top priority in an off market sale
The Diskret-Makler comes particularly well to the course, if in a well-functioning neighbourhood evenly not everyone is to get your sales intentions. If a property is for sale and is unoccupied during this period, the work of the discreet broker ensures that no “uninvited guests” come into the property.
In the international real estate market, this method of working has long been known and appreciated as a “secret sale”.
Discreet Broker: Tasks & Advantages
Hiring a Discreet Estate Agent to sell a property has many advantages. We have listed some of these advantages below.
- You sell your house with absolute discretion
- You do without the usual Internet portals for real estate offers
- You have an extensive file of interested parties
- In this way you often ensure a faster sale of your property
- You sell real estate of any type and size
- They work even if the seller lives abroad
Real estate prices – Frankfurt am Limit
Rising rents and property prices: this now applies not only to the conurbations, but also to the surrounding areas of the major cities. In Frankfurt am Main, this is a development that began long before the current boom. And yet real estate experts believe that the rapid price development has come to an end, and even speak of a price bubble that threatens to burst. So if you want to sell your house in Frankfurt am Main, you should take advantage of the current high price level and plan your sale now!
For an initial, non-binding valuation of your property in Frankfurt am Main, ask a real estate agent today. Many years of expertise in the real estate market of the Rhine-Main area of the potential broker assures you of a quick, professional and objective appraisal of your property – ideally, of course, with the necessary discretion.
Tip. Low interest rates and rising rents: There is much to be said for real estate as a capital investment in Frankfurt am Main. The safe and profitable investment. Read more now: Real estate as a capital investment
Frankfurt skyline in view – real estate sales in the Frankfurt area
Like no other city, Frankfurt lives (or suffers) from the influx of commuters. According to official figures, around 300,000 people travel to work in Frankfurt every day by car or public transport. This is due on the one hand to the lack of housing in the core city area of Frankfurt, but also to the generally good accessibility of the surrounding area by road and rail.
The further away from the workplace, the cheaper the property prices become
With regard to real estate prices, the same applies as everywhere else: the further away from the workplace, the cheaper the house/flat. But the Rhine-Main region has its own special features! At the upper end of the price scale for real estate are the Taunus towns of Kronberg, Königstein, Bad Soden or Bad Homburg. But while the famous “end of the line” already seems to have been reached here, prices in the surrounding areas of Wiesbaden and Mainz are still growing, sometimes at the same level as in the Hochtaunuskreis.
Most expensive residential areas: Kronberg, Königstein, Bad Soden or Bad Homburg.
This development even radiates northwards towards Friedberg and Butzbach. This is not least due to the connection to the railway network. Towards the east, all municipalities up to Aschaffenburg are in the view of those looking for housing.
Statistics: Comparison of prices per square metre in Frankfurt
More and more tenants want to buy. Take advantage of the positive situation and sell your old property now at a good sales price. Frankfurt is experiencing strong growth: also in premium real estate.
Frankfurt am Main is one of the most expensive cities in Germany
Did you already know? Not only for tenants, but also for buyers. Frankfurt am Main is the 3rd most expensive city. Here you can see the cities with the highest prices per square metre for condominiums in a comparison of 2010 and 2018* (in euros per square metre).
Here is a comparison of the development of Frankfurt prices:
- 6,060 euros per square meter 2018
- 4,373 Euro per sqm² 2014
- Increase 1.687 Euro per sqm² (+38.58%)
Residential areas in Frankfurt: Property valuation
For the selling price of a property in Frankfurt am Main, the district in which the property is located plays a central role. The following applies here:
Location, location, location
In addition to the diversity of nationalities among the residents, the availability of parking spaces in the vicinity of the property is also a key factor. S-Bahn and U-Bahn connections in the direct vicinity increase the value of the property, as does an intact local supply structure that can be reached within a short distance. In Frankfurt, the impact of aircraft noise also plays a key role in determining the price, as the airport is relatively close to the city centre.
However, property sellers should not be put off by supposedly negative sales criteria! Because as hardly anywhere else in German cities, the individual assessment of the property and its location by the buyer and his goals plays a considerable role in the offer price.
Here’s a list of other factors that affect the value of your property:
- Location
- Infrastructure
- Year of manufacture
- Building fabric
- Equipment
How do I value my property in Frankfurt?
Of course, the valuation of a property and its location in Frankfurt am Main also depends on the wishes and ideas, and even the goals of the buyer. It makes a big difference whether the property is to be rented to the smart, aspiring financial professional, the student or the well-off pensioner. Does the buyer have a high-yield investment in mind, or does he want to use the property himself – this also has a noticeable influence on the purchase price.
Valuing real estate: factors, calculation and valuable information.
Statistics: Development of the German Housing Rent Index
High rents – Rising demand for housing and living space means that rents continue to rise. This is good for the steadily growing housing market in Frankfurt.
Here are all the figures on the development of the housing rent index for Germany between the years 1995 and 2020:
- 1995: 76,7
- 2000: 83,9
- 2005: 87,7
- 2010: 93,7
- 2015: 100
- 2020: 105,5
Sell privately or with a broker? Advantages & Disadvantages
Many property owners often initially decide against working with an agent when selling their property. It sounds tempting to save the broker’s fee. In addition, it could not be so difficult to simply put the house or apartment “on the Internet”. If you also want to go this way, then you avoid mistakes that many sellers have made before you.
The biggest mistakes when selling a private house
As you can see, there are many dangers that can stand in the way of the successful sale of your property. How a real estate agent can help you in these and many other places, you will learn easily and without obligation from good real estate agents. They undertake services that are necessary and useful for the successful sale of your property. By hiring an agent, you sell your property stress-free and professionally. You have the property – the estate agents have the knowledge and experience for your successful sale!
Read more here! Selling Property: Mistakes
Here is an overview of all error sources:
- Poor preparation (e.g. lack of knowledge of the local real estate market)
- The selling price of the property is incorrect (such as “purchase price at that time + x%)
- Indiscriminately “plaster” marketing portals and advertising pages
- Only be available to the interested party at selected times
- Conceal possible defects
- Underestimate additional costs (such as for an appraisal, renovations, etc.)
- Leave the purchase contract to the notary
Foreclosure sale in Frankfurt: Erbe & Co.
The decision to sell a property is usually based on several considerations. Perhaps you received the property from an inheritance or you want to move to another city and refrain from renting. The end of a depreciation period can also be a reason for selling a property. There are also very dramatic reasons for which property owners decide to sell.
Special case for the sale of real estate: the compulsory auction
If the sale of a property is due to financial bottlenecks on the part of the owner, for example, it is important that the sale can be completed at very short notice. This is especially true in the event that a foreclosure has been threatened. In the time remaining until the auction date, many property owners try to put the property up for sale on the market on a massive scale. Often, out of this precarious situation, a thorough determination of the sales price is “sloppy”. Either the sales price is too low (“the main thing is that the house is sold”), or exactly the opposite!
Make the foreclosure public, the buyer tries to squeeze the purchase price
The latter can even be successful if the “market” – i.e. the potential group of buyers – is not yet aware of the forced sale. Then you also have a very good chance of achieving a good price for your property in Frankfurt am Main. However, if the need for a compulsory auction becomes known, there is often the problem that the buyer wants to push down the price. Under certain circumstances, he may also wait to see whether he can acquire the property at a lower price during the auction.
Foreclosure threatened: Here the broker helps!
In order to avoid mistakes that worsen your chances of selling, contact real estate experts even in the event of an (imminent) forced sale. They will advise you with all their professional know-how and – above all – the necessary discretion! They will ensure that others do not capitalise on your (distressed) situation!
You yourself determine which services of the broker team you would like to use
Real estate agents can ensure that your property does not have to be sold via the usually very loss-making path of a forced sale. Even if in individual cases haste should be required, they use all their knowledge and experience, for a
- Thorough valuation
- Situation analysis Financing
- Preparation of an exposé
- Direct placement of offers via our database of interested parties
- Preparation of all sales and contract documents
- Fast sales processing
You decide which services of the real estate team you would like to use and which you would like to take over yourself. Profound knowledge of the real estate market in Frankfurt am Main can be brought in for your benefit!
Living in Frankfurt am Main – the special features
With a population of around 750,000 and an area of just under 750 square kilometres, Frankfurt am Main is one of Germany’s major metropolises alongside Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. The city was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. The modern reconstruction characterizes today’s Frankfurt. Only the “Römer” (market place of the old town) was preserved in large parts. With the “Dom-Römer-Quartier”, the entire old town area around the Römer was recently reconstructed.
The attractive location directly on the River Main and in the centre of Central Europe continues to attract people to the city. The banking district, home to many major German and European banks, offers a wide range of job opportunities. The European Central Bank in the Ostend has also provided numerous new jobs. There is no end in sight to the influx of people to Frankfurt in the future. This perspective ensures that property prices will continue to rise in the city centre, but also in the wider surrounding area. As a result, districts or suburbs that are considered less attractive today will certainly develop as valuable locations “tomorrow”.
How do Frankfurters live? Apartment, house and high-rise
As elsewhere in Germany, the basic demand for single-family homes is also particularly high for Frankfurt am Main and the surrounding area. However, this is contrasted by official urban planning in Mainhatten. There, the focus is clearly on the construction of multi-family houses or the designation of corresponding building areas. The “green sauce” of sprawling single-family housing estates will remain the exception – probably also due to the lack of buildable areas. Frankfurt’s national dish, “green sauce”, on the other hand, is very popular in numerous restaurants, even of the higher quality.
If you want to sell a building plot for an apartment building in one of Frankfurt’s districts instead of a multi-family house, you should also speak to your estate agent. An initial appraisal is usually without obligation, advice and valuation are also usually free of charge.
Statistics – facts and figures at a glance
Here you will find facts and figures of the former capital of Hesse and stock exchange city Frankfurt am Main.
- State: Hesse
- Administrative district: Darmstadt
- Altitude: 112 m above sea level
- Surface area: 248.31 km2
- Population: 753,056 (Dec. 31, 2018)
- Population density: 3033 inhabitants per km2
- Postal codes: 60306-60599, 65929-65936
- Area codes: 069, 06101, 06109
- Vehicle registration number: F
- 16 local districts
- 46 districts
- 124 Municipalities
Address and directions: Municipality of Frankfurt am Main
Do you have questions about new construction? At the city administration you will find competent contact persons and all important forms. The address of the city administration: Römerberg 23, 60311 Frankfurt am Main.
Conclusion: Selling real estate in Frankfurt needs expertise – Haus & Wohnung
The dynamic real estate market in Frankfurt am Main usually offers top prices for sellers and buyers! It is precisely this “overheated” market situation that makes the advice and foresight of real estate experts necessary – especially when selling apartment buildings. No matter if the sale seems easy in terms of location and condition of the property or if the circumstances of the sale are rather “problematic”: if you want to sell your property in overheated markets, you should be familiar with the details and background of the business. Only experts are in a position to assess the value of your property professionally and in line with the market and to start a sales process that will lead to success quickly and without problems.
Anyone familiar with the real estate market in Frankfurt am Main knows that the city, districts and surrounding area are subject to rapid change. The effects on the sales prices and opportunities of residential properties change quickly. This dynamic has long since reached the wider Frankfurt area with a radius of 70 and more kilometres.
- Selling real estate: General procedure, costs and tips at a glance
Frankfurt am Main: Real estate in the financial metropolis
Frankfurt is definitely the most impressive German city. If you stand in the Frankfurt city center, you drive in here, the skyscrapers are something very impressive. This makes the city seem twice as big as Berlin, three times as big as Munich and four times as big as Cologne. The attractive location directly on the Main and in the centre of Central Europe continues to attract people from all over Germany and the world to the city. Frankfurt a.M. is known for its unique skyline, skyscrapers and a thriving financial market. But the city offers so much more. Museums, green spaces, the opera, art halls. Culture as far as the eye can see.
Real estate in Frankfurt
With its opera, theatres and museum mile, Frankfurt has everything that high culture needs. In addition, a decent gastronomy scene, which in terms of internationality has no comparison in the world. There are beautiful parks in the city, as well as the zoo and the Palmengarten, so that you don’t have to leave the city for a short rest. The banks of the Main River invite you to stroll along, in addition to the chic shopping galleries. The skyscrapers are also an attraction in themselves. And if you visit one of the numerous festivals in the summer, it’s hard to get away from the view of the skyline.
Living in Frankfurt am Main: Popular districts & residential areas
With a population of less than one million, the metropolis in the Rhine-Main region is known worldwide and home to Germany’s second largest airport. No wonder, after all, Frankfurt is considered an attractive place to live. While the up-and-coming Gallus convinces with its hip flair and excellent location, the Westend and
Sell, buy and live in Frankfurt am Main
Whether modern Nordend, up-and-coming Gallus, international Westend or the popular neighbouring town of Offenbach, with the current price trend it is worth selling your property in Frankfurt! You want to sell your apartment, your apartment building or your land in Frankfurt? Find out here what you need to bear in mind when selling your property in Frankfurt. In addition: Our free guides and tips on the topics of property valuation, off market and all prices per square metre in Frankfurt – Welcome to Frankfurt! To the overview: Selling real estate in Frankfurt.