Tag Archive for: Map

Partial sale with house anchor (rank 2): Calculator Check! Valuation + costs with partial purchase

2nd place in the big partial sale provider comparison: Hausanker! Hausanker belongs to Deutsche Teilkauf. In our evaluation, the main focus was on the conditions and calculators. These are 1) user fee [for sold share] and the 2) consideration of the increase in value, in the total sale [optional]. The conditions are almost the same, […]

Partial sale house: sale in old age?! Disadvantages, advantages, experience

Partial sale house – single-family house, terraced house, semi-detached house a whole apartment house and any other type of house – for many at some point the house becomes “too big” and the money “too little”. A quick, uncomplicated solution is the partial sale from the house. Does a partial sale make sense? Whether selling […]

Partial sale with value factor (3rd place): Calculator Check! Valuation + costs with partial purchase

3rd place in the big partial sale provider comparison: Wertfaktor! With Wertfaktor, you can sell a property worth 500,000 euros for as little as 20%, with a maximum of 50%. The conditions at a glance (source: calculator Wertfaktor.de). Our evaluation was mainly about the conditions and calculators. These are 1) usage fee [for sold share] […]

Partial sale with Deutsche Teilkauf (test winner): Calculator Check! Valuation + costs with part purchase

1st place in the large part sale provider comparison and test winner for conditions: Deutsche Teilkauf! In our evaluation, the main focus was on the conditions and calculators. These are 1) user fee [for sold share] and the 2) consideration of the increase in value, in the total sale [optional]. The conditions at a glance […]

Selling real estate: Apartments, Houses, New Construction Projects – Construction Company & Developer (Borchure)

Selling condominiums as a developer, houses in new developments or even large new construction projects in the heart of metropolises such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and other German cities. Where can you advertise and sell real estate today? For individuals, construction companies, property developers, GmbHs and AGs – we find buyers for […]

Learn Currency Trading: Experience, Tax & Example for Forex Trading / FOREX

Learn currency trading – First step first! Learn! ETFs are speculative, stocks are more speculative, currency trading means staying with it all the time. Financial news, price development. For beginners, this means building understanding step by step. What is it about? The foreign exchange market (currency market), or Forex (FX) for short, is a decentralized […]

51.2 million villa in Berlin, directly on the lake with almost 30,000 m² of land – Off Market

Invest Classically or Exotically: Which Real Estate is Suitable as a Capital Investment? Investment Interview

Real estate as capital investment – Whether in or multi-family house, apartment or warehouse, student apartment or nursing home: The offers for capital investment in the real estate market are manifold. Who would like to invest its money in real estate, the correct object for its investment goals should find. Classic or exotic: Which property […]

Real Estate as Capital Investment: What do I have to Pay Attention to? – Interview with the Lukinski Expert

Real estate as a capital investment – what do I have to pay attention to? In an interview with our investment experts we discuss all important investment options in comparison. Which investment does well, which bears risks and which investment brings the most profit? Have you ever thought of real estate as a capital investment? […]