Tag Archive for: Building society sum

Building subsidy: How the subsidy helps you with financing – State subsidy

Baukindergeld – How the subsidy helps you with your financing. The Baukindergeld is another government measure to promote home ownership. The corresponding law was introduced in 2018 and expires on December 31, 2020. Here is a brief overview of the Baukindergeld with an explanatory video from KfW. Explanatory video: Application for Baukindergeld This means that […]

Building savings contract useful? Definition, comparison and calculator

Building savings contract – In the past, the building savings contract was considered the classic savings investment for anyone who wanted to fulfill the dream of owning their own home. A few years ago, there were higher interest rates for building savings, which made the offer more interesting for potential owners and the savings higher. […]

Mould – in the bathroom, detect early & combat effectively

Mold – Mold develops in the house or apartment due to excessive moisture buildup in the walls, but especially in the bathroom. The formation usually starts due to a defective masonry or water pipe, so moisture gets in there. Another way mold can start is due to improper ventilation and heating, so too much moisture […]