Tag Archive for: Statutes

GmbH & Co KG – Foundation, Management, Liability & Co

GmbH & Co KG – The GmbH & Co KG is a German legal form which combines the corporate legal form of the limited partnership (KG) with a limited liability company (GmbH). Thus, the greatest advantages of both legal forms – the separation between general partner & capital provider typical for the KG plus the […]

Unternehmergesellschaft / UG (haftungsbeschränkt) – Foundation, Financing, Liability & Co.

Unternehmergesellschaft / UG (haftungsbeschränkt) – The Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) is a German legal form based on the legal form of the Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH). It is considered to be the little sister of the GmbH and is therefore often referred to as the “mini-GmbH”. Basically, there are only minor differences between the UG (haftungsbeschränkt) […]

One-person limited liability company – origins & special features

One-person GmbH – The GmbH model for solo founders! By appointing new shareholders or leaving existing shareholders, the GmbH model you choose can easily change. Whether it’s a one-person company, a two-person limited company or even a company that operates without any shareholders at all…. In either case, there are specifics you should be aware […]

Annual General Meeting – decision-making body of a stock corporation (AG)

Annual General Meeting – A stock corporation consists of several bodies. The management board deals with the day-to-day business and other matters of the company and represents the stock corporation externally. The supervisory board is a legally prescribed self-controlling body that appoints and monitors the individual members of the management board and, in case of […]

Limited liability company (GmbH) – formation, liability, legal form, management, taxes

Limited Liability Company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH) – The limited liability company is a German legal form that is founded by at least one person and managed by at least one shareholder. As the name already indicates, this corporate legal form is characterized by a limitation of liability for its shareholder(s). The GmbH is […]