Provider comparison Germany: House, apartment, loan & follow-up financing

Provider comparison – Saving teaches you how to get rich! Here you will not only find all the important know-how about your real estate investment (such as the investment atlas), you will also find the best providers! Building society savings, real estate loans, forward loans, but also call money and fixed-term deposits for those who want to play it safe. I also recommend taking a look at new technologies, such as roboadvisors (automated, active wealth management). Now in the Lukinski Check 2025.

Lukinski Check 2025

In my comparison portal you will find the most important topics and good providers. For your construction financing, follow-up financing and much more! Secure good conditions with my Provider Check 2023:

Financing: a comparison of providers

The A&O in real estate investment: Affordable financing!

Investment: comparison of providers

Building up equity means saving and investing money. Here are my tips:

Ownership: insurance and sale

Finally, 2 practical comparisons for real estate owners:

Saving teaches you how to get rich!

What does that mean? Simply put, every euro you save in interest, for example, can be directly reinvested by you as a smart investor. Each euro corresponds to ~ 20% equity for the first, second real estate purchase. So with a loan, 1 euro becomes 6 euros that you can invest. Saving 100 euros in interest = 600 euros more equity, 1,000 euros = 6,000 euros more equity, etc.


  • 100,000 euro loan at 2% interest
  • 1st year = 2,000 euros interest costs
  • 2nd year = 1,960 euros interest costs
  • 39,130.36 Euro interest costs !!!


  • It pays to compare offers / providers
  • Interest is cost factor #1 after the purchase price of the property

Tip! Use the repayment plan calculator (below) to check for yourself how much interest you will be charged each year with only 2% interest costs.

Repayment plan example: 2% for a term of 35 years

Here is an example of financing at 2% over a term of 35 years.

You can find more calculators at