Tag Archive for: Certificate

Selling an apartment in Berlin: Basics, procedure, taxes – Guidebook

Selling a condominium – Selling a condominium is a significant decision that requires thorough preparation and a sound approach. Especially in prime locations like Berlin, it is essential to approach the sales process with a deeper understanding of the local conditions. In our guide, we will discuss together the various aspects of the selling process, […]

Apartment & house for sale Hamburg: valuation, documents, procedure

Apartment & house for sale in Hamburg – You want to sell your apartment, house or apartment building here? With my little free guide about selling real estate in Hamburg, you can prepare yourself. What belongs to it? From the most important documents, over the evaluation, up to sales emphasis in the individual districts (at […]

Alex Fischer’s “Real Estate Investor” Master Course: Coaching, Experience, Contents

You have heard about Alex Fischer “Real Estate Investor” Coaching or Masterclass and wonder what you learn in the course? Here’s an insight! The Fundamentals of Real Estate Investing course provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects and challenges associated with real estate investing. From tax considerations to real estate risk, equity and financing, […]

Apartment selling costs: notary, broker, energy certificate & Co. – for seller & buyer

Apartment Selling Costs – Selling an apartment involves various costs that can vary depending on the type and size of the transaction. The main cost items are usually the brokerage and notary fees, as well as any costs incurred in obtaining documentation. You can find out here what additional incidental costs you can expect and […]

Sell apartment Cologne-Kriel: property, land, procedure

Selling an apartment in Cologne-Kriel – Find out everything you need to know about selling your apartment in pretty Kriel in Cologne. From prices per square meter and most expensive streets in Kriel to the most important documents and the procedure, with our guide you are well prepared for a successful apartment sale. Also: The […]

Sell apartment Cologne-Müngersdorf: tips, property, land

Selling an apartment in Cologne-Müngersdorf – If you want to sell your apartment in the upscale district of Müngersdorf in Cologne, you are well prepared with our guide! From the most expensive streets in Müngersdorf, to the prices per square meter, to the process of selling an apartment, here you will find everything you need […]

Sell apartment Cologne-Deckstein: tips, land, property

Selling an apartment in Cologne-Deckstein – Find out everything you need to know about selling an apartment in the elegant district of Deckstein in Cologne. From prices per square meter in Deckstein to the process of selling an apartment to the entry in the land register, with our guide you are well prepared for a […]

Apartment for sale Cologne-Neuehrenfeld: real estate, property, adviser

Selling an apartment in Cologne-Neuehrenfeld – Find out everything you need to know about selling an apartment in the beautiful district of Neuehrenfeld in Cologne. From the prices per square meter in Neuehrenfeld to the process of selling an apartment to the entry in the land register, with our guide you are well prepared for […]

Sell apartment Cologne-Riehl: property, land, procedure

Selling an apartment in Cologne-Riehl – Find out everything you need to know about selling an apartment in the upscale Riehl district of Cologne. From the prices per square meter in Rhiel to the process of selling an apartment to the entry in the land register, with our guide you are well prepared for a […]

Determine offer price: Valuing a house and apartment – Tips

Angebotspreis ermitteln – Wie schon zuvor gelernt: ein Angebotspreis ist kein Verkaufspreis! Deshalb ist es wichtig, einen guten Angebotspreis zu definieren. Doch wie berechnet man den Angebotspreis einer Immobilie? Wie wird eine Immobilie bewertet und welche Faktoren sind für die Wertermittlung ausschlaggebend? Das erfahren Sie hier. Außerdem: Die unterschiedlichen Verfahren zur Immobilienbewertung erklärt! Zurück zu: […]

Documents and records: energy certificate, land register extract & Co. – checklist

Unterlagen und Dokumente – Bevor wir zur Immobilienvermarktung kommen, müssen Sie zuerst all wichtige Unterlagen und Dokumente, die für den Verkauf gebraucht werden, organisieren. Das kann einiges an Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Erfahren Sie hier, welche Unterlagen Sie für den Verkauf von Haus und Wohnung benötigen und warum Grundbuchauszug, Lageplan und Energieausweis so wichtig sind. […]