Real estate Corona crisis: sale of house, apartment, apartment building – demand increases
These days, many are talking about the second wave that is now coming to Germany but also to the whole world. Already at the beginning, with the Corona pandemic, many economic but also financial news warned that in autumn a wave of insolvencies will come upon us. A logical consequence of insolvency is the loss of property, not only in the form of jewelry, cars or furnishings, of course, real estate will also be affected if the rate of insolvencies in Germany increases. Single-family homes but also apartment buildings, with several tenants.
Special: Real Estate & Corona – Updates
More articles and analysis on real estate in the Corona Crisis:
- Demand increases (Google Trends): Real estate sales
- Is the real estate bubble bursting? Price development
- Housing bubble, what does that mean?
- COVID-19: Coronavirus Meaning
Analysis and evaluation: Real estate key figures
We already reported a few weeks ago, is Corona bursting the 2nd real estate bubble?
What do the trends say? Together with our online marketing expert, we set about analysing the current queries. A large proportion of search queries in Germany are made via Google, just under 90%. Accordingly, a lot can be read from the data that Google provides.
Data collection by means of trends (search queries)
A special tool for analyzing demand is Google Trends. Google Trends looks at the search behavior of certain cities, states, countries but also worldwide. Thus, trends can be identified early but also long-term conclusions can be drawn.
Parameters (search terms)
For our trend study, we looked at the following questions in particular:
- Sell property
- Apartment / condominium for sale
- Sell house / detached house
- Sell apartment house
How has demand developed over the last 12 months and what is the trend for the next 30 days?
Increased interest also in the Longtail
Additionally, we have an insight from our own online statistics. This looks at the “long tail”, which means search results on page 2, 3, 4 on Google. The more users not only stay on page 1, but click further, the higher the current interest in a topic seems to be. They are apparently looking for further, more detailed or simply more information, therefore go from page 1 also on page 2, 3 and 4.
Factor: Valuation
For the evaluation, we used a comparison period of 12 months. The value 100 represents the highest search volume within the last 12 months.
Selling real estate: Results
The trend analysis in the field of real estate sales (08/20) deals with the increasing demand. Very directly visible, among others on the main keyword “sell property”. The charts and the review of the last 12 months can be found below.
Moderately increased, on average only 2 to 3 points, are the sale of house and condominium. So here there seems to be no big changes in the amount of search queries yet.
Very noticeable, on the other hand, is the trend on the topic of “selling multi-family houses”. As you will see in the individual analyses and charts, the trend is jumping upwards these days.
Likewise extreme increase registers “real estate sell”
- +/ – Stagnant: “Sell house”, “Sell apartment”.
- + Rising: “Sell property”
- ++ Strongly increasing: “Sell apartment house”
Selling Real Estate: Analysis and infographic
Sell house, sell apartment, added together, an increase on average of no more than 2 (possible 100). The demand on the subject of “selling real estate”, however, goes strongly upwards. In the comparison period of the last 12 months from the factor 26 to meanwhile 79 / 100.
- Search Keyword: sell real estate
- Period: 12 months (07/19-07/20)
- Portal: Google Trends
Who wants to sell their property?
Brandenburg and Hamburg are at the top of the list when it comes to the amount of searches. Also very interesting, the south is far ahead, with Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Here, the ownership rate is also the very highest. Read more about real estate statistics here.
- Brandenburg
- Hamburg
- Thuringia
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bavaria
Selling a House: Analysis and infographic
Before we move on to the analysis regarding multifamily housing, let’s take a look at the smaller households, or owners of single-family homes and townhomes. The movements have increased only moderately, on average by 2 to 3 points. No extreme changes on a scale of 100. In between, the inquiries were even below the typical average.
- Search Keyword: Haus verkaufen
- Period: 12 months (07/19-07/20)
- Portal: Google Trends
Selling an apartment: Analysis and infographic
Also in the area of apartment or condominium sales, the increases are very moderate. Here, too, the average is 3 to 4 points, viewed in the short term. In the comparative period of the last 12 months, the demand even decreases slightly, related to July-December 2019, compared to January-July 2020.
- Search Keyword: sell apartment
- Period: 12 months (07/19-07/20)
- Portal: Google Trends
Selling multifamily housing: Extreme increase
The trend curve then explodes but formally on the subject of multi-family house sale. As you can see in particular in the rash of the current days, there seems to be a significantly increased interest among property owners.
- Search Keyword: Mehrfamilienhaus verkaufen
- Period: 12 months (07/19-07/20)
- Portal: Google Trends
Insider: Desperate search? Interest as an indicator
But even more interesting is a look at the “long tail” of search queries.
As previously described, another indicator of the increased interest in selling real estate is that people are not only looking at the search results on the first page but are looking for even more detailed, additional information. This can be seen because more people click on page 2, 3 and 4 on Google, as can be seen here in the analysis:
Selling a house: Analysis real estate portal
Source (screenshot): Google Search Console
- Hamburg
- Bremen
- North Rhine-Westphalia
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Baden-Württemberg
Insolvency: analysis and infographic
- Search Keyword: Insolvency
- Period: 12 months (07/19-07/20)
- Portal: Google Trends
Statistics: Number of insolvencies
Total number of insolvency proceedings in Germany from April 2019 to April 2020:
You can find more statistics at Statista
- Rhineland-Palatinate
- Bavaria
- Hesse
- Baden-Württemberg
- Berlin
- Search Keyword: Immobilienaktie
- Period: 12 months (07/19-07/20)
- Portal: Google Trends