Book recommendation house purchase: Evaluation, inspection and sales contract – inclusive best-seller

Book recommendation house purchase – Who wants to buy or build the first own house, stands before many questions. Buy or rent? Build or buy used? House or condominium? The purchase of real estate is connected with financing but also with planning and repairing old buildings. Questions upon questions! We have looked at all the latest books on buying a house to give you the best book recommendations here.

The best recommendations & bestsellers: Buying a house

At what point is it worth investing in your own home? As a place for your own family, as a capital investment and retirement provision. Buying a house has its own background for everyone. For the first house purchase, our book recommendations answer these questions with simple and understandable answers.

Our builder’s handbook: Seven steps to owning your own home

This book is a real Amazon bestseller “Our Builder’s Handbook: Seven Steps to Owning Your Own Home” is all about the details of buying a home. The guidebook for your own building project.

With numerous positive reviews, the book has meanwhile topped the sales charts. The book by Kar-Gerhard Haas and Rüdiger Krisch is also delivered quickly, directly the next day. So you can immediately get to work on construction financing, construction interest rate comparison & Co. The book is quickly at your doorstep with Amazon Prime.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 Stars (49 Reviews)


Cost and contract traps when buying real estate

5.0 / 5.0 stars, absolute top ratings there are for the book “Kosten- und Vertragsfallen beim Immobilienkauf”. With over 120 check sheets (checklist) you as a buyer have everything in view. For new construction, house or apartment purchase. The book is from the consumer center NRW with author Peter Burk, as well as place 3: “Buying a used house”.

Peter Burk has a very explanatory writing style, brings the complex topic as always, clean to the point. Deserves our number 2 book recommendation: “Cost and contract traps when buying real estate”. So the book gives a comprehensive overview on the subject of buying property. For realtors at the beginning but also for the homeowner, a valuable guide.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0 Stars (49 Reviews)

Buying a used house

The purchase of a used house requires a lot of expertise, because it is about the substance of the building. From on-site inspections to the selection of the property and the purchase contract. In the book of the consumer center North-Rhine/Westphalia with author Peter Burk all important information stands to the topic. Depending on the year of construction, whether 1930, 1950 or even 1970, the factors that play a major role in the purchase differ.

The book shows you everything you need to consider. Masonry, property, pipes and wiring. Also new technology, stickword Smarthome, is becoming increasingly important for many in new construction, so that all devices are networked right at the start. From controllable light via app to the carport.

Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 Stars (11 Reviews)

Practical guide to real estate acquisition and financing

An expensive purchase but worth every euro. The “Praxisleitfaden Immobilienanschaffung und Immobilienfinanzierung” by Guido Rennert has top ratings, despite its high price. With over 40 reviews at 4.2 / 5.0 stars, the book is despite 74.88 euros (29.99 euros as an e-book) the guide on the subject of acquisition and financing. With understandable and very practical part for buyers in Germany. Likewise one finds calculations and tips. Thus, the book is an ultimate guide in the matter of buying a house and condominium.

Real estate financing in particular presents many with a major challenge. A guidebook with current representations of the legal situation is here for the homeowner much value and therefore this book is deserved in the recommendations of our editorial staff.

Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 Stars (41 Reviews)

Buying real estate for dummies

The classic in literature. Inexpensive, clear and simply explained. In “Real Estate Purchase for Dummies” you will find everything important on the subject. Of course, not in the same depth, such as “Praxisleitfaden Immobilienanschaffung und Immobilienfinanzierung” by Guido Rennert. Nevertheless, the two authors Stefanie Sammet and Stefan Schwartz bring everything important to the area on the table.

The book, which has now been distributed since 2016, has a rating of 4.0 / 5.0 stars, so solid for the price of only 19.99 euros. From the “dream to the dream property”, although you will not land with this book yet the big hit in investment, but as a basis it serves all the time.

Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 Stars (13 Reviews)

The real estate set

After Immobilienkauf für Dummies, we have another book here that is also good for real estate agents in training or in college, for term paper and bachelor thesis. the book “Das Immobilien-Set” by Roland Stimpel contains important analyses and points at a glance. With seal of Stiftung-Warentest and a price of only 14.99.

The book includes, among others: Needs Analysis, Inspection Checklist, Financing Plan and Purchase Agreement Review. On the subject of inspections, we already had some articles in the blog, but here you will find again, exactly summarized, what it depends. The financing plan is also about long-term calculations, so that the loan does not become a burden. And of course, also with the purchase contract you have to check a lot, ideally with legal advice. You can learn exactly how to proceed step by step in the book “The Real Estate Set”:

Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 Stars (7 Reviews)

Buy or rent?

Last but not least – “Buy or rent?” by Gerd Kommer. Many think with the topic house purchase not only at the own four walls, but naturally also at the topic investment and age precaution. Important topics, because with the financing of the house, have to do most still over decades, with the repayment. Also therefore, the current construction interest rates are important and favorable times should be used to invest in real estate. But, from when is it worth investing in your own home? “Buy or rent?” answers exactly this question.

Here you will learn “How to make the right decision for you”! Finally, it is not only financial aspects that play into the decision, of course, the family also has a big say.

Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 Stars (36 Reviews)

Books at a glance