Determine market value: Determine market value & calculate sales price

Determining the market value – The determination of the market value of a property is regulated by law in the Real Estate Valuation Ordinance(ImmoWertV). In addition to the type of use, the size and condition of the property, the energy efficiency of the property is also an important factor in determining the market value. The […]

Usable space, living space and floor space: difference? This is how it’s simple

Usable space, living space and floor space: what is the difference? – Here you will learn the difference of each area (real estate exposés) and also, a simple “formula” to calculate each area. Important, for example, to calculate the return. No matter whether house or condominium(partial ownership). Learn even more here in the guide: Buying […]

Have real estate appraised: Apartment, house, apartment building and land – free of charge

C- / C / C+ Ratings: Real estate locations with risk in Germany – Lukinski Rating

All C ratings show cities with lower growth rates. Here, real estate as an investment should be treated with caution, because the vacancy risk is greater. This means that you pay more for every month in which your property is not rented out. In addition, the increase in value of the property is very low, […]

B- / B / B+ Ratings: Real Estate Locations in Germany – Lukinski Rating

All B ratings show cities with solid development. Here you can also find yield properties that immediately provide income that covers your monthly burdens around repayment, interest and maintenance. Ideally with additional extra, for active asset accumulation. B- / B / B+ ratings in Germany Lukinski Rating – You want to invest in real estate […]

Risk Champions: Worst D / D Ratings in Germany – Lukinski Rating

Lukinski Rating – D-rated cities have high risk, because their entire structure is extremely stagnant or even reduced. Economy, inhabitants, infrastructure, that all are indicators. D-Ratings are definitely not for beginners. Here you need not only experience, but also very good local knowledge to find the few, profitable properties. However, you will hardly ever experience […]

Top A / A+ Ratings: Hidden Champions for Capital Investments in Germany – Lukinski Rating

A / A+ ratings means fairly secure performance. Perfect for investment properties with low yield but high, later resale value. At the same time a strong inflation protection. However, in metropolises like Munich, nothing for real estate beginners without sufficient equity. A / A+ ratings in Germany Lukinski Rating – You want to invest in […]

Cities under 100,000 inhabitants: Real Estate Locations – Lukinski Rating

Lukinski Rating for cities under 100,000 inhabitants – Your advantages in cities between 40,000 to 100,000 inhabitants? You have less national and international competition. Especially if you live locally, a good strategic advantage, even for real estate newcomers. What is your city’s rating? Find out here! Here you will find the individual evaluation for cities […]

Large cities in Germany (up to 500,000 inhabitants): Where to invest? – Lukinski Rating

Lukinski Rating for Major Cities in Germany – Often more interesting than the metropolises, the numerous major cities in Germany. From east (Leipzig) to west (Bonn), north (Rostock) and south (Nuremberg). Here you will find good yield properties with A and B ratings. Here you will find the individual evaluation for cities in Germany from […]

Metropolises in Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich & Co. – Lukinski Rating

Lukinski Rating for Metropolises in Germany – Here you will find all 17 metropolises with more than 500,000 inhabitants. You should definitely avoid the top 8 for your first investment, because there are no or only very difficult returns to get here. Berlin, Hamburg, Munich & Co. Here you will find the individual evaluation for […]

Selling forest land: Forest, meadow, valuation, taxes & Co.

Sell forest land – forests have a great advantage, they provide a renewable resource. At the same time, they do not offer short-term profits for the operator, but long-term returns. Many owners of forest land therefore do not think like “typical” landowners of real estate and property, often plan for generations. Did you know, even […]

Selling water source: Procedure, valuation, anonymous sale of land & spring.

Selling water well – appraisals, brokers, negotiations, sale process and taxes, there are also many questions when selling water wells. Is now the right time for your sale? And if so, what is the most effective way to sell? Water is a scarce resource. Even though over 71% of our planets surface is water, there […]