Wiesbaden-Schierstein real estate market: Renovate or store?

“Riviera on the Rhine” or “Gateway to the Rheingau”: Wiesbaden-Schierstein has a great reputation for sophisticated living! The desire to own residential property there is correspondingly great – to use it yourself or to rent it out. Selling your own property in Wiesbaden-Schierstein should therefore not be a problem. However, if you enter the hot real estate market as a beginner, you can very quickly suffer shipwreck. Especially if the object for sale is not a new building. “To renovate or not” is one of the questions here. “Homestaging” can also be a consideration. Who should, who can know about the home sale? What is the right balance between action and discretion? Here are the most important tips from the expert.

House sale and discretion – two worlds meet?

Selling a house without making it public – how is that supposed to work? A“discreet broker” knows how to bring the two worlds together. In most cases, maximum discretion also has positive effects on the sales price and the speed with which a property changes hands.

How does a Diskret broker work?

  • Discreet realtors from Lukinski sell your house with absolute discretion
  • Lukinski’s discreet brokers do without the usual Internet portals for real estate offers
  • Diskret-Makler vonLukinski have an extensive prospective customer file
  • Lukinski’s discreet brokers often ensure a quicker sale of your property.
  • Discreet brokers from Lukinski sell real estate of all types and sizes
  • Lukinski’s discreet brokers work even if the seller lives abroad

In the international real estate market, this way of working has long been known and appreciated as a “secret sale”. Sebastian Mathias is one of the few regional estate agents to work with Lukinski as a discreet broker. And this without renouncing the classic virtues of a serious and customer-oriented broker.

Home staging or renovating – what’s the difference?

One thing is quite certain: a top renovated apartment achieves a higher sales price than a property with a renovation backlog. On average, properties with “upmarket fittings” are around 17% more expensive than properties in the same location and size with “normal fittings”. In contrast, apartments with “simple fittings” are a good 14% lower in price than those with “normal fittings”. At least that’s what renowned real estate experts, including Lukinski, say.

This already makes it clear that renovations are not just about painting walls and cleaning windows. Renovations concern basic features of your property such as heating, flooring, electrical installations, windows in general, etc. Before selling your property and possible renovations, everyone should first estimate the costs! Because it usually takes a lot of money to turn a “simple” property into an “upscale” one. More money than can later be achieved through the added value in the sales price. In many cases “homestaging” can be an alternative.

Germans are on the renovation trip

Statistik: Anzahl der Personen in Deutschland, die in den nächsten 2 Jahren eine Mietwohnung (oder einzelne Räume darin) renovieren wollen, von 2015 bis 2019 (in Millionen) | Statista

You can find more statistics at Statista

“Simple” – “normal” – “upscale”: What condition is your property in?

Here are briefly some characteristics about the condition of a property:

  • Upmarket furnishings are understood to mean that the apartment meets the latest requirements of contemporary living. There is a bathroom as well as central heating, double windows, carpet or parquet flooring. The supply lines are under plaster. In addition, the apartment has a good layout.
  • With a normal equipment bathroom and/or kitchen are tiled. The supply lines are mainly under plaster and there are double windows at least on the wind side. The apartment should have a good usable cut.
  • An apartment with simple furnishings does not have central heating. Also the flooring could be missing, so it has no carpet, no parquet. Instead of double windows there are single windows, and the kitchen and bathroom are without tiles. The supply and electrical lines are mainly on the plaster. Furthermore, the layout of the apartment is not optimal.

Our tip: Before you take action, take a close look at the surroundings or the location in Wiesbaden-Schierstein. Does your apartment fit into the surroundings? What demands do the people in the immediate vicinity have?

As a rule, it makes little sense to create a “luxury palace” in an environment with many simple apartments. There would be no buyer for it in a rather simpler residential environment.

Your property as a stage – home staging as an alternative to renovation

What began in the 1970s in the USA has long since made its way to Germany: the staging of the interior of a property for the purpose of a successful sale – in short: home staging. And the apartment or house doesn’t even have to be empty! This effective sales tool can also be used for occupied properties.

With the help of light, floral elements and usually very simple furniture, empty properties can be quickly and easily transformed into comfortable living spaces. It is important that furniture and other furnishings correspond to the majority taste. This way, most people, who usually also make up the majority of prospective buyers, can find themselves in the rooms.

Home staging in inhabited properties is somewhat more complex. Here Lukinski recommends to let as little individuality as possible become visible. In plain language: Exotic travel souvenirs from all over the world have just as little to lose in home staging as particularly fancy designer pieces among the furniture. Private apartments are often too “full” with inventory. Here – at least for the period of photos for the exposé or the viewing – reduction to the essentials is the order of the day.

But before the whole apartment is turned upside down, let Lukinski advise you on this as well. Because a trend is emerging: home staging is becoming increasingly popular!

Selling price: The condition of the property is what counts

Basically, a good and well-kept overall impression of the house and property ensures a good sales price. A good estate agent will give tips on this before an exposé is prepared.

Here are the most important tips from Lukinski:

  • If the house has a garden, it should be maintained according to conventional standards
  • Avoid squeaky garden gates
  • Corridors/staircases should be cleaned
  • Ventilate living areas well
  • If necessary and possible, provide fresh paint inside
  • Worn out floors should be replaced, or covered up

Real estate prices in general: Is there a bubble bursting?

Real estate in Wiesbaden-Schiersteincontinues to achieve top prices! After all, the proportion of detached houses in the district is not particularly high. However, apartment buildings are also sought-after properties in Wiesbaden-Schierstein. In terms of quality of life and recreational value, Schierstein is at the very top of the scale of popular districts in Wiesbaden. Due to the lack of space, the rate of new construction is also not particularly high.

Supply and demand regulate prices. An end to the upward trend is currently still not in sight. But the price increase curve is flattening out and the first experts are warning of a “bursting real estate bubble”. The risks for real estate prices include above all the economic development in the country. And there the “fat years” are probably over for the time being. The high price level for real estate is currently still being maintained by the very low interest rate level.

House sale in times of Corona

It is still too early to name the effects of the Corona crisis on the real estate market. Currently, there are two different positions among real estate experts. Some say that real estate as “concrete gold” still retains its value and continues to increase in value, especially in locations such as Wiesbaden and the surrounding area.

On the other hand, it is said that the value of a property also depends very much on the disposable income of potential buyers. If this income falls, for example against the background of the current crisis, then the demand for real estate falls – and with it the prices. Anyone who wants to be on the safe side should therefore implement their sales plans now.

Conclusion: Now are the times good for selling a house

Whether renovated or not: Basically, the times for the sale of your property in Wiesbaden-Schierstein are currently still favourable. At least in terms of the selling prices that can be achieved. If the economic conditions in Germany worsen, however, a decline in prospective buyers can be expected in the longer term. That means then sometime also falling prices. An initial valuation of your property in Wiesbaden-Schierstein is always non-binding and free of charge with reputable estate agents. Which time is the right one for your house sale, of course, only you decide in the end.