Underground parking as underground protection for the vehicle
Underground garage – The underground garage is a parking space for vehicles, which is located below ground level. Often there are underground garages in commercial properties or larger residential complexes, for special protection against the weather and theft. In older underground garages, however, you should be aware of the spacing of the vehicle parking spaces, as these may be adapted to older vintage vehicles and may not be suitable for larger cars. Underground garages play an important role, especially in densely populated areas, as they offer additional space for the vehicle and thus also increase the quality of living.
Underground parking at a glance: Increase in living quality through additional space
- Underground parking space for vehicles
- Protects against weather and theft
- Plays an important role in densely populated areas due to the additional space
- For older underground garages, pay attention to the spacing of the parking spaces, as they may be too small for larger cars like SUVs
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