Tag Archive for: Help

Sloping roof – furniture, matching color effect & in English

Roof slope – Roof slopes are sloping side walls occurring in the attic. The usable area limited by the roof slopes is only partially included in the calculation of the living space. Rooms with roof slopes are often used as storage space. In the case of living rooms with sloping ceilings, questions often arise as […]

Attic – Apartment, Insulation & Penthouse

Attic – By definition, the attic refers to the top floor of a building that is habitable. The attic of a house often has sloping ceilings. Depending on the ceiling height, part of their area is included in the calculation of the living space. The difference between this and the attic is that the attic […]

Firewood: Cheap do it yourself, chopping, stacking and storing + video

Firewood & Fireplace Wood Storage – Larger quantities of firewood, are often stored on properties, either for heating or for your own fireplace. The garden or a barn are readily used for storage. Larger quantities of firewood, once stored on a property, must be stored in a fire protected location. This measure is regularly checked […]

Double renting – tenant, compensation & holiday flat

Dual Tenancy – A dual tenancy occurs when the landlord enters into a lease with two tenants at the same time, or before the previous tenant has moved out, enters into a lease with a new tenant. The rule is that the first tenant has more rights than the new tenant. In such a case, […]

Semi-detached house – costs, sound insulation & floor plan

Semi-detached house – A semi-detached house refers to a property consisting of two units. As a rule, the semi-detached houses are structurally separated from each other and are only connected by two exterior walls that lie together. These exterior walls are usually provided with fire and sound protection. Depending on the segment and the cost, […]

Monument protection – criteria, real estate & the monument protection authority

Monument protection – A monument protection is a legally defined protection of a building, which is awarded based on certain criteria. These are besides the age, the architecture or the historical significance. From when a property is listed, is sometimes not directly comprehensible, so they should always inquire as a buyer of a potentially listed […]

Easement – definition, three types & in English

Easement – An easement is a right over another person’s property, such as real estate. Three types of easements are recorded in the BGB. These rights, which are regulated in law by definition, are the limited personal easement, the easement and the usufruct. The limited personal easement is the right to a property in favour […]

Discount – definition, discount & calculate

Disagio – Disagio or as a synonym Damnum or Abgeld cheapens the initial interest rate of a loan when buying a property. By definition, a person is granted a loan and a discount of the loan is retained, this sum is called a discount. The sum acts as a prepayment of interest. In return, the […]

Windows – Cost, Double Glazing & Replacement

Windows – On the one hand, windows serve the visual appearance of a house, but on the other hand they also play an important role in terms of energy consumption. They are available in wood or plastic, depending on what suits your project better. You can buy windows cheaply in any DIY store – at […]

When is an energy certificate required for the sale of a house?

With an energy certificate you have a document which evaluates a building energetically. In Germany, the issuance and use of an energy certificate is regulated in the Energy Saving Ordinance. When is there an obligation to present an energy certificate? Property owners who wish to sell their property must present an energy certificate at the […]

Special-purpose association for the joint performance of certain tasks

Special-purpose association – The special-purpose association is the merger of several municipalities or associations for the joint performance of certain tasks. Due to the restriction to certain administrative purposes, such an association is referred to as a “special-purpose association”. Who can become a member of a special-purpose association and which tasks the association performs is […]

Investment property – financing, loans and equity

Real estate as an investment – step by step, from the basics to specific questions about: financing, loans and equity. Earn money with real estate! Here you will find tips from professionals. Good luck. Common questions include: What is meant by a loan? How much income for home financing? How much equity should you have […]