Tag Archive for: Golf course

Real Estate Location: Investing in… – Lukinski Rating / Investment Atlas Germany

Living in Marienburg (Cologne): Buy a villa, apartment or plot of land – Viewing, prices per square metre & tips

Living in Marienburg – Those who like real luxury will find it in Marienburg. The villa area with the golf club and the banks of the Rhine is the absolute top residential location in Cologne. Who possesses the necessary small change and something on itself holds, becomes part of the exclusive inhabitants of this Cologne […]

Investment Brochure: Buy Real Estate Special – Germany & USA

You want to invest in your first property? Location, location, location – this is what matters in most cases when buying a house or flat. If you are a guest in our offices, you can get information online, like now, e.g. with your smartphone or, you can access one of our investment brochures. Short, concise […]

Immobilien GmbH – German Real Estate Loophole for Leasing, How-To Guide

Immobilien GmbH / Vermögensverwaltende GmbH / Immobiliengesellschaft – Let us help you optimize your taxes, and pay less for your German real estate. How to save money, by forming a so-called immobilien GmbH. You will learn the basics about the topic real estate company. When buying a house or a condominium, who comes up with […]

Familienstiftungen Explained – German Real Estate how-to, Tax Tricks Guide

Saving taxes with real estate – In Germany, if you’re looking to invest in real estate, whether to buy a house or rent out a property, it is vital you get to know the tax system, its loopholes, and how to maximize profits when you invest. Familienstiftungen are an easy way to reduce your tax […]

Additional Costs – Buying House in Germany, Property Investment, Hidden Fees, More

Additional costs in Germany – It can be maddening trying to understand the German real estate laws and regulations. Below we explain the most important additional costs, and hidden fees which you may not know about. This short how-to guide should let you know a lot about what to consider when buying a house in […]

Grunderwerbssteuer – Meaning, Translation, Explanation of German Real Estate Tax

Real estate transfer tax & Table for federal states – Whenever a property or part of a property is purchased in Germany, real estate transfer tax is incurred. But, how much trade tax is incurred with the real estate purchase? The amount of the tax is determined by the individual federal states. As a rule, […]

Real Estate Taxes Germany – How To Save Money on Property Investment

Germany – Buying real estate in Germany requires an understanding of its tax system. Here we give a detailed, simple guide for people not from Germany looking to buy property, rent property, or invest in real estate in Germany. The German system is quite different from those found in US states. If you’re looking to […]

Understand, Convert & Build Assets: Tax Optimization, Tax-Free

Converting taxes into private assets – Here you will find links to articles on tax optimization. For beginners and of course for you, if you are already an entrepreneur. I want to give you a first, small overview of what tax optimization means, from the first step to learning from experts, or their experiences and […]

Tax coaching by Alex Fischer: Experience, taxes, subsidies & Co – knowledge for your assets

Tax coaching by Alex Fischer: My experiences from over 8 weeks of coaching & live events. I do not know how much I may anteasern in this small experience report at all from the tax coaching of Alex Fischer. However, today I want to give you a little insight into what you can expect in […]

Real Estate, Taxes & Wealth: Learning from Investor Experiences – Alex Fischer, Rockefeller & Jobs

Real Estate, Taxes & Wealth: Learning from Investor Experiences. When the US president pays only $750 in income tax, and the Springer CEO gets a stock package of almost 1 billion euros almost tax-free, and all of this is perfectly legal, one thing is clear: in terms of taxes, there is still room for all […]

Should you invest a lottery win in real estate? Safe investment

Should you invest a lottery win in real estate? Admittedly! The chances of becoming really rich with a lottery win are rather small. Experts speak of a ratio of 1 : 140 million. And yet, week after week, countless people put their crosses on the lottery tickets in the hope of hitting the famous “jackpot”. […]