Natural gas price: supplier, comparison
Natural gas prices – The price of natural gas is set by the energy supplier. For decades there was a monopoly of the regional suppliers, so that you as a customer had no possibility to influence the natural gas price. This has now changed. The monopoly has fallen, and you can have a say in the price by making comparisons and choosing a cheap supplier in your area. There are utilities that offer their services nationwide. Others operate exclusively on a regional basis.
Natural gas price – Find the cheapest supplier in the region
If you want to know which natural gas price is the cheapest at your address, carry out a comparison. You can call up the comparison calculator on the Internet and use it free of charge. After entering your address, your household size and your annual average consumption, you will be shown all the relevant suppliers. The cheapest offer will be at the top. However, don’t just compare the prices, but also the conditions and additional terms. It is advisable not to commit yourself to one supplier for too long. Opt for a short term if you want to be able to react flexibly to price adjustments. This applies to both price increases and decreases.
Natural gas – inexpensive and environmentally friendly
Although natural gas is a fuel and is not a renewable energy, many builders still choose this type of heating. Natural gas burns in an environmentally friendly way. The installation of the system, unlike oil heating, does not require much space. For an average house with an area of 120 square metres, one burner is sufficient. This can be installed in the utility room, in the basement or in the bathroom.
Natural gas in comparison
The costs for operating a natural gas heating system are in the middle range compared to other types of heating. For a family of four, they amount to an average of EUR 900 per year. However, the costs are highly dependent on the chosen energy supplier. If you compare the charges and are prepared to change supplier from time to time, you can save several hundred euros a year. However, you should also take into account that natural gas prices are on a constant rise. Since this type of heating is not counted as renewable energy, you will not receive any subsidies for the new construction of your house or for a renovation. The funds are usually only granted if you choose a type of heating that uses renewable energy. Sometimes it is sufficient if you combine natural gas heating with a solar thermal system. Find out from the bank that grants a low-interest subsidy loan.
Investing in the future
The price of natural gas is expected to continue to rise in the future. The pricing is dependent on many different factors. These include, among others, the price of oil. Crises in the global economy can also have a negative impact on the price of natural gas. If you are planning a complete renovation of your home or if you want to build a new house, it is advisable to shortlist renewable energy when deciding on a heating system. With a combination of a heat pump heating system and a solar thermal system, you can claim a subsidy and you gain independence from the supplier.
Further information on the subject of ancillary costs
Electricity prices: Comparison, possibilities, reduction
The price of electricity is subject to very strong fluctuations. For many decades, there was an energy monopoly of individual regional suppliers. Customers had to conclude their contract with the supplier that was located in their town. There was no choice. Since the monopoly was opened up, you have a choice of many different suppliers. Some are still regionally based. Others offer nationwide contracts. The price of electricity has not become cheaper as a result of the opening of the market and the greater competition it has brought. In fact, the opposite is true. Electricity prices have risen continuously in recent years.
- Learn more about electricity prices here.
DSL price – You should pay attention to this
An Internet connection is now standard in every household. More than 95% of all households have concluded a contract for the use of the Internet. The charges are part of the fixed costs of running the household. The internet has entered many areas of life and has become indispensable for many people. As a property owner, you are responsible for getting a connection to your home.
- Learn more about
DSL and Internet here.