Investing money: capital investment, shares, real estate – interest and statistics

Money, gold, shares or real estate? Which capital investment is profitable and which I have developed well, especially in recent months and years? We have collected the most important studies and statistics on the subject of capital investment, sorted and prepared here for you. Good luck with your investment, whether for the increase or as retirement provision.

Statistics: Money, gold, stock or real estate – what pays off?

Further studies and statistics can be found on the websites of the Federal Statistical Office and with us under:

Investment and asset planning

What investment options are you currently using?

Statistik: Welche Möglichkeiten der Geldanlage nutzen Sie aktuell? | Statista

Products for wealth planning and accumulation

Which products are best for wealth planning/building?

Statistik: Welche Produkte eignen sich für die Vermögensplanung/den Vermögensaufbau am besten? | Statista

Best investment

What is the best investment (2017)? From 10,000 euros, invested at the beginning of 2017, became by the beginning of 2018 …

Statistik: Aus 10.000 Euro, angelegt zu Jahresbeginn 2017, wurden bis Anfang 2018 ... | Statista

Savings Motifs

What are you currently saving money for?

Statistik: Wofür sparen Sie aktuell Geld? | Statista

What is the most important thing you are currently putting money aside for?

Statistik: Was ist das Wichtigste, für das Sie derzeit Geld zurücklegen? | Statista

Wealth planning – what is important?

How important are the following aspects to you when planning your assets?

Statistik: Wie wichtig sind Ihnen bei der Vermögensplanung folgende Aspekte? | Statista

What options have you already used to secure or improve your financial situation in old age?

Statistik: Welche Möglichkeiten haben Sie bereits in Anspruch genommen, um Ihre finanzielle Situation im Alter zu sichern oder zu verbessern? | Statista

Safe investment with inflation

Which forms of investment are considered safe in an inflation scenario?

Statistik: Welche Anlageformen gelten in einem Inflationsszenario als sicher? | Statista

Preferred investments

Which of the following investments do you currently own?

Statistik: Welche der folgenden Geldanlagen besitzen Sie zur Zeit? | Statista

Development of the investment portfolio (insurance)

How much assets do the big players invest? Development of the investment portfolio of the insurance industry in Germany from 1980 to 2017 (in billions of euros)

Statistik: Entwicklung des Kapitalanlagebestandes der Versicherungswirtschaft in Deutschland von 1980 bis 2017 (in Milliarden Euro) | Statista

Development of investments of reinsurance companies in Germany from 2011 to 2017 (in billions of euros)

Statistik: Entwicklung der Kapitalanlagen der Rückversicherungsunternehmen in Deutschland von 2011 bis 2017 (in Milliarden Euro) | Statista

Structure of investments of reinsurance companies in Germany in comparison of 2011 and 2017

Statistik: Struktur der Kapitalanlagen der Rückversicherungsunternehmen in Deutschland im Vergleich der Jahre 2011 und 2017 | Statista

Interest rates and development

Current interest rates and development.

Development of the European Central Bank interest rate ’99 – ’19

Development of the interest rate of the European Central Bank for the main refinancing operation from 1999 to 2019

Statistik: Entwicklung des Zinssatzes der Europäischen Zentralbank für das Hauptrefinanzierungsgeschäft von 1999 bis 2019 (Stand: Mai 2019) | Statista

Gold and fine gold as an investment

The latest news on gold as an investment.

Price increase gold

Price of one ounce of fine gold in London (in US dollars, morning fixing) from October 2018 to October 2019.

Statistik: Preis für eine Unze Feingold in London (in US-Dollar, Vormittagsfixing) von Oktober 2018 bis Oktober 2019 | Statista

Countries with the largest gold reserves

Countries with the largest gold reserves (in tonnes; as of October 2018)

Statistik: Länder mit den größten Goldreserven (in Tonnen; Stand: Oktober 2018) | Statista

Gold mine production 2018

Mining production of gold by major countries in 2018* (in tonnes).

Statistik: Minenproduktion von Gold nach den wichtigsten Ländern im Jahr 2018* (in Tonnen) | Statista

Government bonds

The latest on government bonds.

Yield on ten-year government bonds

Ten-year government bond yields for selected countries worldwide in September 2019

Statistik: Rendite für Staatsanleihen mit zehnjähriger Laufzeit ausgewählter Länder weltweit im September 2019 | Statista

Currency market

The latest news on the currency and foreign exchange market.

Foreign exchange reserves of selected countries worldwide in June 2019 (in billions of US dollars)

Statistik: Währungsreserven ausgewählter Länder weltweit im Juni 2019 (in Milliarden US-Dollar) | Statista

Turnover per trading day on the global foreign exchange market

Evolution of the average turnover per trading day in the global FX market from 1989 to 2019 (in billions of US dollars)

Statistik: Entwicklung des durchschnittlichen Umsatzes pro Handelstag am weltweiten Devisenmarkt von 1989 bis 2019 (in Milliarden US-Dollar) | Statista

Trends in global foreign exchange reserves from 1995 to Q2 2019 (in billions of US dollars).

Statistik: Entwicklung der weltweiten Devisenreserven von 1995 bis zum 2. Quartal 2019 (in Milliarden US-Dollar) | Statista

Share of national currencies in global foreign exchange reserves in the years from 2003 to 2017

You can find all further information on the statistics on Statista

Growth and economy

Growth in real gross domestic product (GDP)

European Union: real gross domestic product (GDP) growth from 2nd quarter 2017 to 2nd quarter 2019

Statistik: Europäische Union: Wachstum des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) vom 2. Quartal 2017 bis zum 2. Quartal 2019 | Statista

Inflation rate from September 2018 to September 2019

European Union: inflation rate from September 2018 to September 2019 (year-on-year).

Statistik: Europäische Union: Inflationsrate von September 2018 bis September 2019 (gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat) | Statista

Financial assets of private households in Germany

Financial assets of private households in Germany from Q2 2014 to Q2 2019 (in billions of euros)

Statistik: Geldvermögen der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland vom 2. Quartal 2014 bis zum 2. Quartal 2019 (in Milliarden Euro) | Statista

Structure of financial assets

Structure of financial assets of private households in Germany in 2018

Statistik: Struktur des Geldvermögens der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland im Jahr 2018 | Statista

Financial assets from 2014 to 2019

Financial assets of private households in Germany from Q2 2014 to Q2 2019 (in billions of euros)

Statistik: Geldvermögen der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland vom 2. Quartal 2014 bis zum 2. Quartal 2019 (in Milliarden Euro) | Statista

Did you know?

Invest a million euros?
How would you allocate one million euros to the following uses?

Statistik: Wie würden Sie eine Million Euro auf die folgenden Verwendungszwecke verteilen? | Statista

Gross monthly earnings by industry

Average gross monthly earnings of full-time employees (excluding special payments) by economic sector in Q2 2019

Statistik: Durchschnittliche Bruttomonatsverdienste vollzeitbeschäftigter Arbeitnehmer (ohne Sonderzahlungen) nach Wirtschaftsbereichen im 2. Quartal 2019 | Statista

Per capita financial assets by country

Per capita financial assets in selected countries worldwide in 2018 (in euros)

Statistik: Pro-Kopf-Geldvermögen in ausgewählten Ländern weltweit im Jahr 2018 (in Euro) | Statista

Further studies and statistics can be found on the websites of the Federal Statistical Office and with us under: