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Free now: Book Chapter Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is especially for fashion companies and fashion retailers an interesting marketing tool to increase reach and sales through and with social networks like Facebook, Youtube & Co. Various fashion labels such as Topshop (UK), Renate Rocks or the Otto Group show how it works. In my book I have combined practice & theory. You will learn how social media and networks work. Also learn how to win target groups and form them into brand fans. Now, the free download of “Social Media Marketing”.

luk-news-buch-social-media-marketingThe free edition combines the most important, general chapters. From the beginning of fashion, to your definition, to goal-oriented social media management. The common thread is still kept and the reading time is limited to two sympathetic hours. I hope you enjoy and look forward to opinions and reviews from you.

Stephan M. Czaja
Lukinski, author

Social Media Marketing – Fashion & Fashion – download for free

Hardcover book for € 18,99:

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Social Media Marketing Book, Free Essentials

My book “Social Media Marketing für Modeunternehmen und -labels” is now available in German bookstores since September 2014. And the topic “social networks” is still hot – even now in December. That’s why there are now, free of charge all the essentials for your social media management. Basics of group dynamics and content (content). There’s still a lot of hustle and bustle in many agencies – but soon the festive days will come, it will get dark early and everything will be a bit quieter, ergo: time for your media, time for reading. Here comes your chance for 2015: all the essentials of my book in a nutshell! Set up your media channels for the coming 2015 with the free free editoin, the best three chapters on social media marketing. Get valuable inspiration and ideas for your social media fetch, multidisciplinary and proven. Download “Social Media Marketing: Best of” for free (.pdf, 5mb) here now.

Best of Social Media Management

The book “Social Media Marketing – Inspiration for Fashion Labels” is about the basic considerations of promotion and marketing in dynamic social networks. In addition to best practice examples from labels such as Topshop (UK) or Otto Group (Germany), various scientific findings show how effective social media management can be to turn users into brand fans. Ultimately, all efforts in social media marketing result in the fact that interested parties are bound to their brand – and can thus be constantly informed about new promotions, offers, etc. This is how you win brand fans and increase brand loyalty. This is how you win brand fans and increase your online and in-store sales.

Read more about the book (on Amazon)…

“Social Media Marketing for Fashion & Fashion”

Social Media Marketing – Inspiration for Fashion Labels is available at all booksellers! On the internet you can also find the book as a flexible eBook version for iPad, Kindle & Co.

  • Social media marketing
  • Channel set-up (multi-channel management)
  • Content strategy and development
  • Generate reach and crisis PR
  • 92 pages, hardcover edition for € 18,90
  • 96 pages, digital edition for € 10,90
  • Read more

Hardcover book for € 18,99:

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E-Book for € 11,90 10,99:

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