Weather in Bielefeld: Clouds, wind and storm
Weather Bielefeld (14. January 2025) – What is the forecast probability that it will rain in Bielefeld today? The relevant forecasts for stairs, thermography, building site or even building performance at a glance . Read more about the current weather in Germany.
Temperatures in Bielefeld
Weather in Bielefeld on 14. January 2025.
Forecast: Today / 3 days
Current in Germany
Forecast for Bielefeld: 12 hours
Wind in Bielefeld
Rain or storm, on site at the construction site there are many external factors to consider. Exceptional temperature fluctuations and heavy rain affect the construction of the home. Glass, mortar and composite materials, even building materials have to be taken into account. Simple answers are sought to questions such as “What happens if lightning strikes the house?” but also questions such as “What is the difference between climate and weather?” Obtaining financing from all banks plays a major role for builders. For developers, there are a lot of details to consider. These include shower, developer contract, ground plate, building ground and land register entry.
Forecast: 12 hours
Forecast: Tomorrow
Wind in Germany: Current
Wind in Germany: Tomorrow
Wind gusts
Summation of all winds
Rain for Bielefeld
Cloud formation: Today
Cloud formation: Tomorrow
Rainfall: Today
Rainfall: Tomorrow
Rainfall in Germany: Today
Rainfall in Germany: Tomorrow
Humidity: Today
Weather alerts
Thunderstorms: Today
Fine dust and CO2
CO content in Bielefeld
CO content (fine dust) in Germany
Statistics & Average
Temperature (°C)
Comparison of mean maximum and minimum temperatures (°C)
Mean monthly precipitation (mm)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
54,1 | 44,6 | 52,1 | 57,4 | 69,2 | 81,3 | 75,2 | 74,3 | 59,8 | 53 | 63,2 | 61,4 | 746,2 |
Mean daily sum sun (h)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
1,6 | 2,7 | 3,8 | 5,3 | 6,8 | 7,1 | 7,1 | 6,7 | 5,2 | 3,7 | 2 | 1,4 | 4,5 |
Data basis: German Weather Service