Weather in Wiesbaden: Wind, temperature and thunderstorms
Weather Wiesbaden (14. December 2024) – How likely is it to rain in Wiesbaden today? Hail, storm or wind gusts: Discover here all construction-relevant weather data for the next 7 days. More about the weather in Germany.
Temperatures in Wiesbaden
Current temperatures in Wiesbaden on 14. December 2024.
Forecast: Today / 3 days
Current in Germany
Forecast for Wiesbaden: 12 hours
Wind in Wiesbaden
Rain, gusts of wind or even wind, there are many external factors to consider on the construction site. Elastomers (plastic) such as rubber, polyurethane (PUR) and acrylic and composite materials, also the storage of building materials plays a role. Unusual fluctuations in outside temperature and rain as well as humidity affect home construction. Here it concerns for owners extremely many small details: Building planning, building office to tile adhesive. The own building must be planned in detail. This includes questions such as “Why is there lightning?” but also “What does relative and absolute humidity mean?” Spring, summer, autumn and winter, each quarter brings its own disadvantages and advantages with it, in order to approach your new building project in the best possible way, the aspect of humidity should be taken into account.
Forecast: 12 hours
Forecast: Tomorrow
Wind in Germany: Current
Wind in Germany: Tomorrow
Wind gusts
Summation of all winds
Rain for Wiesbaden
Cloud formation: Today
Cloud formation: Tomorrow
Rainfall: Today
Rainfall: Tomorrow
Rainfall in Germany: Today
Rainfall in Germany: Tomorrow
Humidity: Today
Weather alerts
Thunderstorms: Today
Fine dust and CO2
CO content in Wiesbaden
CO content (fine dust) in Germany
Statistics & Average
Temperature (°C)
Comparison of mean maximum and minimum temperatures (°C)
Mean monthly precipitation (mm)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
54,1 | 44,6 | 52,1 | 57,4 | 69,2 | 81,3 | 75,2 | 74,3 | 59,8 | 53 | 63,2 | 61,4 | 746,2 |
Days with precipitation > 1mm (days)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
11 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 11 | 11 | 121 |
Mean daily sum sun (h)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
1,6 | 2,7 | 3,8 | 5,3 | 6,8 | 7,1 | 7,1 | 6,7 | 5,2 | 3,7 | 2 | 1,4 | 4,5 |
Data basis: German Weather Service