Tag Archive for: calculation

Provider comparison Germany: House, apartment, loan & follow-up financing

Provider comparison – Saving teaches you how to get rich! Here you will not only find all the important know-how about your real estate investment (such as the investment atlas), you will also find the best providers! Building society savings, real estate loans, forward loans, but also call money and fixed-term deposits for those who […]

Capital Gains Taxes USA – Simple Explanation, Definition, Rates, How-to Save Money

Capital Gains Taxes – How to tax capital gains? What even are capital gains? We take you through the whole topic from start to finish, and explain in easy simple language what are capital gains, what counts as capital, what is a capital asset, how to calculate your taxes and how you can use capital […]

Dividends Tax USA – Simple Explanation, Definition, How-to Save Money

Dividends – We give a simple and easy-to-understand explanation and definition of dividends and dividends taxes. So you’ve invested well, your stocks are not only appreciating, but also paying dividends and your life as a finance shareholder is profiting. Welcome to the world of smart investing. Now you have to pay dividends tax though. What […]

Income Tax USA – Definition, Explanation, How-to Save Money

USA – Everything you need to know about income tax. How does income tax work, how to calculate income tax, what are the income tax rates. We answer all your questions, and explain everything from definitions to calculations, examples, etc. Most importantly, we’ve attached a simple way to find out how much income tax you […]

Buying a House in L.A. – Guide, How-to for Los Angeles Real Estate

Los Angeles – We explain an easy processs step by step on how to buy a house in L.A. Investing in Real Estate in California’s beach heaven, you’ll need a guide through the house-buying process from mortgage pre-approval, finding a real estate agent, house hunting, up to closing on your home. We explain costs of […]

Mortgage Interest – Explained Easily, Worldwide Comparison + More

Mortgage Interest – What is mortgage interest? Does USA have high mortgage interest rates? What are the current mortgage ratesMortgage and mortgage interest are complicated topics, but this easy guide will explain everything you need to know. A word most people hate to hear. Financing your home, saving money on financing your home is difficult. […]

Sanierung Meaning Explained – Renovation in German Real Estate Market

Germany – What is the meaning of a Sanierung? What’s the difference between a Sanierung and Renovierung? Here, we explain all the details you need to know about renovating real estate in Germany. Renovation of a house means the repair and modernization of the building. Insulation, new heating systems and windows bring the building up […]

Grunderwerbssteuer – Meaning, Translation, Explanation of German Real Estate Tax

Real estate transfer tax & Table for federal states – Whenever a property or part of a property is purchased in Germany, real estate transfer tax is incurred. But, how much trade tax is incurred with the real estate purchase? The amount of the tax is determined by the individual federal states. As a rule, […]

Real Estate as Capital Investment: What do I have to Pay Attention to? – Interview with the Lukinski Expert

Real estate as a capital investment – what do I have to pay attention to? In an interview with our investment experts we discuss all important investment options in comparison. Which investment does well, which bears risks and which investment brings the most profit? Have you ever thought of real estate as a capital investment? […]