Selling a house: Successfully selling your own house in Baden-Baden

Do I prefer to sell with professional estate agents or can I do the sale privately? Best possible house sale in Baden-Baden: Here on our portal you will meet our elementary questions of our real estate community and all the important topics that you should currently consider in any case with.

Arrange a start date with the renowned real estate agent for the valuation of your own property (apartment or house)

the renovated house with 150 or 240 m², regardless of whether you want to sell luxurious city villa, 1 room apartment, perfectly insulated eco house and environmentally friendly wooden house, you need to know how to best proceed in the process and how to get the best price for your property, work out here all the described here and of course also further, presupposed know-how in the sale of real estateresearching real estate prices. If you do not want to have so much effort, contact our real estate specialists a mail, with the realistic value measurement of houses the compellingly to be considered knowledge in the real estate salesknowledge about your region will support you. If you want to save time, write us an e-mail.

After that follows: Documents at best as originals, invoices and also receipts. Here we have for you everything relevant for sale and real estate need various important papers. These include, for example, certifications but also documents. Beautiful photos increase the sales value of your property, that is important, so that first prospective customers can make themselves much more comprehensive of the real estate already in the web without much expenditure for you. Your, your made photos must show the real estate in Baden-Baden always in the perfect light and have a good resolution (1800×1300 pixels). Because you want to give away.

Haus verkaufen mit Makler in Baden-Baden

Determine a strong selling price for the house for sale exposé

An estimate of a selling price contributes many factors such as room layout, type of construction, possible defects, transport connections and also property condition and equipment, what is important is not how much you had invested. Supply and demand of houses in Baden-Baden on the current house market determine the expected selling price that one of the interested parties is willing to pay. As always, demand and supply determine the price the buyer is willing to pay. Despite all the measures you are not sure about the price of the house? For laymen it can be difficult to estimate the value of a house realistically.

The challenge that follows: to have your offer for the empty condominium drawn up.interest in buying is already apparent when reading the property description, you already see, the first impression counts . The time for an appealing advertisement, newspaper or online, is therefore worthwhile. In addition: As still owners you know your real estate from the FF, pay attention the consideration of all central characteristic numbers and info. For example, winter garden to linger, garage, garden or extras of the property, and much more. Your exposé for your sale of the house stands? Now the free standing house must be mediated to potential buyers, in an advertisement on a well visited ImmobilienPortal or in the well-tried regional daily paper and then wait. Is your house well received by observers of the advertisement?

Your next step: Manage enquiries and mail. If you start your search for buyers with your exposé, the establishment of contacts is often quite fast, and your real estate agent already has the first inquiries on the real estate exposé. If you have commissioned an estate agent early enough, he will receive all the feedback. He or she will only contact you personally if enquiries from interested parties are still coming in.

Meeting for the tour with the first interested people. Every hour the excitement intensifies. So that your property is conveyed as easily and successfully as possible, a real estate agent makes appointments for a viewing every morning, should you want, he takes over every appointment without your presence, of course, sellers are allowed to be in the appointments.

Wealth check: Have the purchasing power of the interested party confirmed

You should not have to witness any payment irregularities, the insured solvency of the prospective buyer is checked directly after house inspection and examination of light bulbs, door handles light switches, etc..

The visit to the notary and finalization of the notarized purchase contract

A new owner has been found, now your broker leads the talks about the sale of the house, he clarifies the individual formalities of the contract, your notarized contract of sale formulated and prepared by your broker together with your called notary in a draft. For a notarization you definitely have to go to a notary, also from a legal point of view. At his office, seller and buyer sign the now present purchase contract. Congratulations, with this the house is sold highly notarized.

Next comes: payment of the purchase price to the former owner after updating in the land register, respectively priority notice of conveyance. Next, the notary enters the new entry in the land register and the so-called priority notice of conveyance, the official document ensures, for example, that a property could not be sold twice by the broker, that is, to at least two prospective buyers at the same time. The notary then informs the buyer immediately when he or his involved bank can transfer the contractual sales price to your bank account, then do not forget to check afterwards whether the payment is received on your own account.


Payment of costs for your previously engaged notary and broker

Pay as a seller in the following the payment settlement of the commissioned service of the brokerage and notary costs, directly after the achieved conclusion of sale at the notary, for this you will be sent in each case a separate invoice.

Baden-Baden(Baden-Württemberg) has 54,307 residents and potential home buyers. Now follows: Own home sold: Compensate determined real estate transfer tax…. The very last very relevant information between no 10 years, you will have to pay capital gains tax. The solidarity surcharge and church tax then come on top. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if you as the owner more than 3 years]36 months lived on site in owner occupation.

Apartments, houses and demographics in Baden-Baden

Figures of 39,927 should statistically be very satisfied with their housing situation to residents in Baden-Baden. With a total area of 140.19 square kilometers Baden-Baden offers enough space for housing units currently live Baden-Baden thousand people. Apartments are in demand at 387 citizens per square kilometer.

Housing market and demand for new buildings: This is how the inhabitants of Baden-Baden live

The Federal Statistical Office collected new figures this year, purely statistically 21,093 residents live in a house, terraced house or apartment building, which is fortunately in their own possession, 3,340 are proud owners of a condominium and 26,290 people who live in a rented apartment, only 3,579 live together in shared accommodation, of which 32,041 people are married and 22,266 single. Due to the local population growth, there is currently a need for action in terms of new construction. In the next 12 years 50% of the surveys assume 19,748 new dwellingsabout 17% see only 23,039 new dwellings in the need and 33% assume Baden-Baden dwellings. How many housing units will really be built according to statistics? Currently, only about 152 new housing units are completed. In return, Baden-Baden is investing a whole 2,104,215,226.67 euros this year.

Tenants and owners love living in their neighborhood

Here in Baden-Baden, at the end of the day, people are really happy in their own neighborhood, of the property owners there are many, namely 44,765 satisfied people who like their own living environment, less satisfied are only 9,542, the same feeling manifests itself among tenants, with 39,927 people, compared to 14,380 people who are dissatisfied despite various opportunities to spend leisure time. Did you know ready that most of them live in a single-family house, not in apartments. In houses for one family live 28,438 Baden-Badeners, in apartment buildings live 16,875 and 8,422 people in houses for two families, so Baden-Baden lives.

Demography and population in Baden-Baden: What to expect

Baden-Baden has some young citizens, for example 1,314 teenagers from 15-17 years, but also many older citizens, such as 13,191 people from 40 to 59 years. Growth also in the population development: Baden-Baden’s number of inhabitants is steadily increasing, from 53,851 inhabitants about 4 years ago, Baden-Baden grew by 456 people to a statistical 54,761. The trend continues. Now take a closer look at the latest developments for the housing market in Baden-Baden over the next fifteen years.

In the current Baden-Baden real estate are invested 377,384,280 euros

Incredible 331,173,960 euros of cash assets slumber, according to statistical data basis of the German Federal Bank currently on accounts or under the mattresses, much higher financial resources, a whole 0.4 billion euros are invested in real estate. Statistically seen by sales and purchases and/or real estate transactions annually high amounts are transferred, the prognosis goes up to 4,973,599,626.67 euro. In the same period, 2.1 billion euros were used for the construction of new apartments in Baden-Baden, a whole 2,486,799,813.33 euros are invested annually in Baden-Baden in the modernization, in total, the real estate sector generates an incredible 9.6 billion euros every 12 months.

Owners of houses and apartments in Baden-Baden by age

From which way real estate property is distributed, how many Baden-Baden residents live without paying rent? Let’s take a quick look at a few examples. According to a Germany-wide survey by empirica, 2,284 children from 0-10 years live in real estate, in the increasing age it becomes a little more, probably due to survived toddler phase and the consequent fact that the parents work, many now invest their house or a condominium, among the 11 – 21 year old young people live 2,828 in a home, far fewer are with 21 to 30 years, only 619 of them live in their own property. Increasingly in the own home live, the older the Baden-Badener become. Thus it rises with the 31-40 year old already again 2,344 and with humans between 41 and 50 years whole 4,055 lucky real estate owners. In the group between 51-60 years own 3,712 property and with the 61 to 70 years are currently 2,836, because the upcoming stage of life spend no longer so many in their own property, only 1,757of a total of 54 307 fellow citizens.

Baden-Baden’s demographic development in the housing market

Housing situation – apartment

Housing situation Number
Home 21.093
Condo 3.340
Rent 26.290
Shared apartment 3.579

Source: Federal Statistical Office

Home ownership

Home ownership / years Quantity
0-10 2.284
11-21 2.828
21-30 619
31-40 2.344
41-50 4.055
51-60 3.712
61-70 2.836
71-80 1.757

Statistics: empirica / LBS Research


Surrounding Area

Households today 2035 Change
1 22.266 23.895 1.629
2 18.464 19.551 1.086
3 6.517 5.431 -1.086
4 4.888 4.345 -543
more than 5 1.629 1.575 -54

Source: Federal Statistical Office


Households / persons today 2035 Growth
1 28.783 30.412 1.629
2 15.749 15.206 -543
3 4.888 4.345 -543
4 3.258 3.204 -54
5 + 1.086 978 -109

Source: Federal Statistical Office