Inheritance investing and investing: 9 tips from investment experts

Investing Inherited Assets Wisely – If you have inherited money and are wondering how best to invest it: These 9 easy-to-follow tips from investment experts will help you with simple, short explanations. There are many ways you can invest your inherited money, and it’s important to weigh the options well to find the investment option […]

Dispute over inheritance: How does a good will go? – Our TV expert on NDR

Dispute over inheritance: How does a good will go? Yesterday was the 45-minute report on the subject. Our expert Jan Rickel was a guest, as an advisor, with helpful answers and know-how to the question. Because, properly bequeath and properly inherit wants to be planned. Without, much ends unintentionally in the dispute. Many avoid the […]

Parents old, sell property (house/apartment)? Tips for children and grandchildren + 2 alternatives

Selling property – The house is getting too big, the second floor is hardly used and maintenance costs are also a burden. Perhaps the condominium is also on the fourth, fifth floor – without an elevator. Here are tips for children and grandchildren! What to do when mom and dad, grandma or grandpa get older? […]

Inherited parental home – sell, rent or use yourself?

Inheriting your parents’ house – Sooner or later, as the child of property-owning parents, you will be faced with the question of whether to sell, rent or keep the house. The sale of the parental home is not always directly linked to an inheritance. If your parents become dependent on care and can no longer […]

Inherit properly: What to consider when inheriting and bequeathing

Inherit correctly – The inheritance law proves again and again as extremely complex topic structure, which is connected by many concerning with large uncertainties and ignorance. If the topic of inheritance becomes acute, it is therefore always advisable to turn to experts such as notaries, tax consultants, estate agents and lawyers. Nevertheless, it makes sense […]

Your Inheritance: Distributing Real Estate and Property

Your Inheritance – A death in the family is often the trigger for a bitter dispute over the estate. A will can remedy this problem by providing clarity about the estate during one’s lifetime. You can find out what needs to be considered and how real estate can be included in a will below. Please […]

Erbgemeinschaft Explained: German Inheritance Law, Heir + More

Erbgemeinschaft – Real estate can lead to numerous disputes within an Erbgemeinschaft, henceforth called “community of heirs”. Especially if there are different ideas about how to handle the property. A community of heirs is usually the children of the testator. This comes about when the deceased does not leave a will, as in this case […]

Berliner Testament: German Inheritance Law Explained, Amount for Children, Partner + More

Joint Will – In Germany, the Berlin Testament decides on the legal portion of heir. It is an important issue for disinherited relatives, as they still have certain rights to the inheritance. In order to claim this correctly and to fulfill the formalities, however, some things have to be considered. The share always depends on […]

Expressing Condolences: Empathically and Compassionately Expressing Mourning + Quotes

Mourning expressions – In case of a death in the family or in the circle of friends, condolences should be expressed to the mourning family. Finding the right words is often quite difficult. They should be personal and always tactful and compassionate. The Right Words for the Expression of Sympathy: Speech to Wreath Choice Finding […]

Inheritance Insolvency (Heir): Procedure & Requirements

Insolvency of estates – When you deal with the topic of real estate, you always come across words that are not immediately meaningful. You suddenly find yourself in a situation you have never been in before and for this reason you often need advice quickly. In this article, you will learn everything you need to […]

Sell your Inherited House: Make Money by Selling your Property Now

Selling an Inherited house – Everything you need to know about selling an inherited house quickly and easy. “When can I sell an inherited house?”, our guide answers all your questions, including the many questions around one topic: taxes on the sale of an inherited house. Is the sale of an inherited house taxable? How […]

Inherited house – own use, rent or sell?

A house is a “big” inheritance, facing a large amount of money and with responsibilities. In openly communicating families, you as the heir do not have to consider whether you should accept the house or disclaim the inheritance. If you do not know whether the house is encumbered with a major land charge or mortgage […]