Real estate agent wanted? House for sale in Dorsten and surrounding area

With which tips and tricks can I get an even higher sales price for my property in the sale, from accurate planning to ready-to-print sales brochure? Sell your house now with estate agent tips in Dorsten: Every day we receive many emails, as well as in conversations at viewing appointments we encounter many inquiries, collected and sorted you see here the most important questions about the sale of your property.

First arrange with your real estate agent for the valuation of your own property (apartment or house)

Real estate valuation for Dorsten, step one means to get the highest price, get all the necessary know-how in the real estate market research prices in in Dorsten, if you want to save a lot of precious time, write us an email. With a valuation of real estate support you all the necessary know-how in the real estate market know well in your region in Dorsten in the elaboration and should you want to save time, contact our real estate specialists a mail.

Next, turn over: Old plans of the architect and floor plans. As a seller of a house you need various partly very relevant papers, to which belong among others certifications as well as expertises. Professional photos increase the selling price of your house or apartment. This is important, so that all their buyers can make a much more comprehensive impression, which saves time and raises the value graphics must be in all circumstances high-resolution but also show your property or condo in Dorsten always from favorable perspectives.

Hausverkauf mit Makler

The amount in Euro for your property or apartment in Dorsten

Several influencing factors such as proximity to cultural sites, type of house, location of the object play a direct role in the long assessment of the price of a house, it does not count what amounts you yourself once paid for your house. Supply and demand on the current market determine the probable price a potential buyer is willing to invest. This is a fact you should keep in mind. As has always been the case, demand and supply of real estate dominate the majority of the desired selling price Despite all the literature, you are not really sure about the value of the house? Needless to say, it becomes difficult for normal people to accurately determine the property value. Well then the quick estimate from our real estate experts is the recommendation.

Preparation of the exposé for possible interested parties

Interest in buying, that you feel already when reading a tender, the time for an appealing ad (online or newspaper) is therefore worthwhile for you, you know yourself as an owner guaranteed the very best. Therefore, always make sure that the different extras appear in the. For example warm winter garden, large garage for the car and pool, etc. Your exposé stands? The greatest chances of success are provided by the well-visited real estate portal, but also the local newspaper in Dorsten. Then it is called wait, comes your real estate with observers of your Exposès on?

Eigenheim in Dorsten

Sell like a real estate expert, as the next challenge on your sales plan: Managing property enquiries and general calls. First reactions to your real estate exposé are now there. The real estate agent takes the various questions, only when inquiries arise, he answers.

Next it is a question of: Coordinating and making appointments for viewings.Now it gets more and more exciting. The commissioned estate agent regularly arranges viewing appointments with prospective buyers who are interested in the location and type of your property, he makes every appointment, you as the owner can of course also be in the appointment. Make sure you make a well-kept impression at the upcoming viewing appointment, like a brand new car.

Asset check: Check the creditworthiness of the person interested in the house

So that you do not have to experience any payment defaults when selling your home, the said creditworthiness of the prospective buyer is checked directly after the viewing.

Act like real real estate professionals in Dorsten, now it turns: Notarized purchase contract with the notary countersign.In the further course, your broker leads the closing negotiations for the sale of the house with your presumed next owner, he also regulates all details of the purchase contract that still need to be discussed. Together with the appointed notary, your broker prepares the notarized contract. And of course, for notarization you have to go to the notary. With him you and the buyer sign the now complete purchase contract. Congratulations, with your signature and that of the buyer, your house is officially sold.

Then, after the completed entry in the land register (or priority notice of conveyance), the previously negotiated purchase price of your property can be paid by bank order.

The notary will now instruct the required entry in the land register, for this purpose the notary will have a priority notice of conveyance entered, it prevents hidden multiple sales, the notary will inform the new owner as soon as he can pay the agreed purchase price to you, do not forget, after release by the notary you should check your own account balance for receipt of payment.

letzter Termin beim Notar

Now follows: Payment of conversion costs for your requested notary and real estate agent. Your Dorsten property is sold profitably, now the amount for active notary and real estate agent is still outstanding. The payment to should send immediately after the notary appointment.

Property sold: Transfer real estate transfer tax to the carrier

. If there are less than 10 years between the purchase and sale, you will have to pay tax on the capital gain, church tax and solidarity surcharge are also added. However, there are also exceptions, for example, if you as the owner have actually lived in your property or in the apartment for more than 3 years and have never rented it out, but who has proven himself lived in his house for more than three years and has also not rented it out, will be exempt from capital gains tax.

Urban development and the ownership of real estate in Dorsten

Estimates of current purchase price for the home, building land as well as apartments in Dorsten to regional development. On an area of 171.2 km² live today Dorsten thousand inhabitants. Approximately 439 people live per square kilometer, so living space is naturally a sought-after commodity.

Real estate situation and new construction – Where do people live on average in Dorsten?

As can now be seen in the latest statistics from the Federal Statistical Office, 29,206 inhabitants live in houses, such as their own home, terraced house or multi-family house, which is fortunately owned by the owner, but there are also 4,625 people living in their condominium and 36,402 tenants. According to the calculation of the study by LBS Research, there should be 44,366 married people living in the total properties and in addition there are 30,830 single people. Backlogs of new construction on old brownfield sites. The current need for housing is large, studies assume 27,344 units, only a third of 22,787, only about 17% of the calculations come to 31,901 new housing, currently only 211 new housing units are built according to statistical calculations. With an investment amount 2,913,594,346.67 euros at present.

Dorsten’s neighbourhood offers a lot

Here in Dorsten most people are at the end of the day happy where they live. Of all property owners, there are many, namely 61,984 satisfied people who just like this good sympathetic neighborhood and location, against only 13,212 dissatisfied, a whole 48,772 more, even among tenants in Dorsten you can feel the good feeling with 55,284 happy people. Did you already know, most inhabitants live in a single-family house and in no apartment, in a single-family house live 39,377 Dorstener, in houses with at least two renting parties live 23,366 of it 11,662 persons in houses for two parties, so Dorsten lives.

Regional growth: inhabitants by age structure

Dorsten has statistically a high amount of very young residents, for example 594 babies under year as well as some residents in the older age, which are important for the regional purchasing power, like 13.167 inhabitants between over 65 years. Growth tendencies are also found in the predicted population development:The trend continues, because already in four years, according to surveys, about 77,681 people will need living space, we now focus on current prospects in the population in the next 15 years in Dorsten.

Buying and selling: Real estate and financing

Unbelievable 0.5 billion euros of constantly usable assets in savings accounts and under the pillow, even much higher sums, approximately 522,543,840 euros are tied up in the real estate market. Statistically, high amounts are transferred by sales and purchases or transactions every 12 months, up to 6.9 billion Euros, in the same period 2.9 billion Euros were moved by the new construction of flats, up to 3,443,338,773.33 Euros are invested every 12 months in Dorsten in the modernisation of the properties. In total, the house and housing market in Dorsten transfers an impressive 13.2 billion euros every single year.

This is the distribution of privately owned housing by age

How many people live in Dorsten in property ownership? There is real estate ownership in all age groups Let’s take a quick look at a few examples, according to calculation (empirica) now 3,163 toddlers up to 10 years live in houses or apartments, which are owned by their own parents, with the years it is then already a little more. With security due to mastered toddler phase and the statement that at least one parent works, with 11 to 21 years live 3,916 in the real estate possession of the parents, decidedly less are it with the 21-30 year olds, only 857 live from them in the own home. The older, the more likely we are to live in our own home or condo. Thus it rises with the 31 to 40 year old again 3,246 and with the today persons between 41 and 50 years whole 5,614 happy real estate owners, in the group of 51-60 years own 5,140 Dorstener property. With the 61-70 year old inhabitants it is this year 3.927, more and more sell and so it is 2.433of total 75 196 residents.

Urban development: Real estate or the residential property in top location

Housing situation – apartment

Housing situation Number
House 29.206
Condo 4.625
Apartment for rent 36.402
Shared apartment 4.955

Source: Federal Statistical Office

Home ownership

Home ownership in Dorsten / Alter Quantity
0-10 3.163
11-21 3.916
21-30 857
31-40 3.246
41-50 5.614
51-60 5.140
61-70 3.927
71-80 2.433

Statistics: empirica / LBS Research


Surrounding Area

Households today 2035 Difference
1 30.830 33.086 2.256
2 25.567 27.071 1.504
3 9.024 7.520 -1.504
4 6.768 6.016 -752
5+ 2.256 2.181 -75

Source: Federal Statistical Office


Households (persons) today 2035 Difference
1 39.854 42.110 2.256
2 21.807 21.055 -752
3 6.768 6.016 -752
4 4.512 4.437 -75
5+ 1.504 1.354 -150

Statistical source: Federal Statistical Office