Tag Archive for: Umlauts

Alex Fischer’s “Homeowner” Master Course: Coaching, Experience, Content

As a homeowner:in, you face a variety of challenges and hurdles that can wear on your nerves. From finding reliable tenants to dealing with maintenance costs and legal issues, property ownership can be an emotional roller coaster. But despite all the difficulties, there are solutions and ways to successfully navigate these issues. In this master […]

Terrace apartment: definition, costs, advantages & disadvantages for tenants and buyers

Terrace apartment – You want to buy an apartment, sell an apartment, or are simply looking for the right investment property? No matter if it is an old building, a loft or a penthouse. You should always inform yourself about the respective apartment before buying. Here we introduce the apartment type terrace apartment. A terrace […]

Buy an Apartment Los Angeles – Everything to Know Explained, Easy Guide

Los Angeles – How to buy an Apartment in Hollywood, Bel-Air, or downtown. We give you a full explanation and step-by-step guide to everything to know when buying an apartment in Los Angeles. From mortgage, to which areas to buy in Los Angeles, and everything else you need. Real Estate properties, like apartments, penthouses, lofts […]

Bicycle cellar in apartment building

Bicycle cellar – A bicycle cellar is a room usually found in apartment buildings that is used to store bicycles. Usually, a bicycle cellar has a door that leads to the outside. In the tenancy agreement, you should pay close attention to the right to use the bicycle cellar that has been granted to you […]

Real estate magazines: Online magazine & newsletter for your home

Real Estate Trade Magazines – Discover a selection of leading real estate trade magazines, online magazines and newsletter services in this post. These sources offer valuable information and advice for real estate professionals and homeowners, from current industry trends to practical tips for projects around your home. Real estate magazines in Germany: 4 recommendations Real […]

Conveyance (land register) of the ownership of a property

Conveyance (land register) – Conveyance is the agreement of the buyer and seller that ownership of the property is to be transferred to the purchaser and the transfer of ownership is to be executed in the land register. Only with the conveyance and the completed entry in the land register does the purchaser receive the […]

New rent index evaluation: Rent increase in Germany – News KW 9

This week, Spiegel reports, among other things, on the current rent index evaluation for 2018. More than 1,000,000 new apartments are to be created through the conversion of parking garages and supermarkets, this is cheaper than new buildings. Focus deals with the topic that German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz has slimmed down his model for […]

Purchase does not break rent of a property

Purchase does not break tenancy – The purchase of a property does not break the tenancy. This means that if an owner wishes to sell their rented property, the purchaser continues the tenancy as the new landlord. This means that the new landlord is bound by the lease and, accordingly, he cannot cause the tenant […]

When is it worth buying, when is it worth renting?

To rent or to buy? The pros and cons of rental housing – Rental prices are rising inexorably and more and more families are asking themselves whether buying is a good alternative. In most cases, the answer to that question is yes. However, there are definitely cases where renting serves as a safer and cheaper […]

Auction of a property: All important information

Auction – There is on the one hand the forced auction of a property or on the other hand the partition auction. A compulsory auction takes place when the owner can no longer pay the debts relating to the property. A partition auction takes place when the ownership of a property is divided among several […]

Restriction on the sale of the residential property

Restriction on sale – A person who owns a dwelling or part of a dwelling is entitled to sell this property. If the owner is a member of a community of owners, the members of the community have the interest that the new owner is appropriately integrated into the existing group. For this reason there […]

Residents as property owners with adjoining public areas

Abutters – Abutters are all property owners whose property borders on public land or other properties. Every adjacent owner has precisely defined obligations and rights, especially when it comes to securing and developing the property. In case of non-observance of these duties, the affected abutting owner is liable, e.g. in case of neglect of the […]