Tag Archive for: example

Capital Gains Taxes USA – Simple Explanation, Definition, Rates, How-to Save Money

Capital Gains Taxes – How to tax capital gains? What even are capital gains? We take you through the whole topic from start to finish, and explain in easy simple language what are capital gains, what counts as capital, what is a capital asset, how to calculate your taxes and how you can use capital […]

Dividends Tax USA – Simple Explanation, Definition, How-to Save Money

Dividends – We give a simple and easy-to-understand explanation and definition of dividends and dividends taxes. So you’ve invested well, your stocks are not only appreciating, but also paying dividends and your life as a finance shareholder is profiting. Welcome to the world of smart investing. Now you have to pay dividends tax though. What […]

First real estate portal with virtual realtor (digital human): Marketing & technology

Real estate portal with virtual realtor – In Israel the first real estate portal uses a virtual avatar (digital human) for the presentation of houses and apartments. A new tool for realtors and portals in the marketing of real estate and especially in addressing young, very digital target groups. Innovations in marketing, a look at […]

Sanierung Meaning Explained – Renovation in German Real Estate Market

Germany – What is the meaning of a Sanierung? What’s the difference between a Sanierung and Renovierung? Here, we explain all the details you need to know about renovating real estate in Germany. Renovation of a house means the repair and modernization of the building. Insulation, new heating systems and windows bring the building up […]

Grunderwerbssteuer – Meaning, Translation, Explanation of German Real Estate Tax

Real estate transfer tax & Table for federal states – Whenever a property or part of a property is purchased in Germany, real estate transfer tax is incurred. But, how much trade tax is incurred with the real estate purchase? The amount of the tax is determined by the individual federal states. As a rule, […]