Revocation period (brokerage contract) when concluding a contract
Revocation period (brokerage contract) – Since contracts are binding, a prospective buyer can only revoke the brokerage contract if the contract was concluded outside the broker’s business premises or through semi-personal contact such as telephone, letter, e-mail, fax or similar. This period is 14 days and only begins when the prospective buyer has received a cancellation instruction. If the instruction takes place later, then the length of the period is a maximum of one month.
Revocation period (brokerage contract) at a glance: Revoke the contract for certain reasons
- Buyer can revoke the brokerage contract
- Only revocable if the contract was concluded outside the broker’s business premises or by means of distance communication
- If the purchaser gives notice of cancellation in good time, the period is 14 days.
- In the event of late notice of revocation, the period shall be a maximum of one month.
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