Chimney sweep – fire protection, duty & free choice

Chimney sweep – The chimney sweep is responsible not only for the control of fire protection and function of heating and combustion systems, but also for the monitoring of emission control and energy saving. The regulations concerning the tasks are laid down in the Chimney Sweep Act. Chimney sweeps often join together to form a guild for the purpose of representing their interests. There is a chimney sweep obligation, due to which it is obligatory for fireplaces used all year round to be swept 4 times and for heating facilities used in the usual heating period, the obligation is to be swept once. However, since 2013 you have the freedom to choose which chimney sweep you want and can of course change again at any time.

Chimney sweep overview

  • Controlled fire protection
  • Controls heating and combustion systems
  • Regulation recorded by the Chimney Sweep Act
  • Merger into guild
  • Chimney maintenance obligation: 4 times for all-year-round heating & 3 times for usual heating
  • Since 2013 free choice of chimney sweep

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