Burden of land
Building encumbrance – The building encumbrance is the public burden of a property owner vis-à-vis the building authority, which obliges him to do, to refrain from doing or to tolerate certain things concerning the property. This burden is registered in a building burden register kept by the city or municipality at the building supervisory authority. The purpose of building encumbrances is to establish the buildability of a property. For example, the neighbour can allow the builder to build on his property by granting a building charge.
Construction easement at a glance: Registered building restriction for a property
- Public burden
- Obligation of the landowner towards the building authority
- The owner of the land undertakes to do, tolerate or refrain from a certain act concerning the land.
- Building encumbrance is entered in the building encumbrance register
- Purpose is to establish the buildability of a property
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