Logo-Banner des Cologne Fashion Days 2014

CFD: Cologne Fashion Days 2015 – The Cologne Fashion Week

Coming soon to Cologne, the Cologne Fashion Days 2015 with over 40+ fashion designers and this time over 4 days! From 04.12. – 06.12.2015 at the Mercedes-Benz Center Cologne (Mercedes-Allee 1, 50825 Cologne). Fashion, fashion, trends, all this will be the topic at the “Cologne Fashion Week”. With talks, experts from the industry, fashion shows […]

Jobanzeige - Bild für Praktikum - Fashion Week 2015 (Berlin) - Werbeagentur / Medienmanagement

Media manager internship now in Dec! “Fashionweek 2015”

Spontaneous internship with own project “Fashionweek 2015”? With pleasure! We need help with the planning for the upcoming Fashion Week in Berlin (end of January). That’s why there is now a unique opportunity to do an internship in our advertising agency for media management, fashion & design! Learn to work fast and effectively, new techniques […]

Werbeaktion für kostenlosen Buchdownload (Bild)

Free now: Book Chapter Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is especially for fashion companies and fashion retailers an interesting marketing tool to increase reach and sales through and with social networks like Facebook, Youtube & Co. Various fashion labels such as Topshop (UK), Renate Rocks or the Otto Group show how it works. In my book I have combined practice & […]

Sat1 News: The farmer’s bag

We started with the Bauerntüte in 2013. At that time, it was the goal of the young Manuel Pereira to bring regional food back to the city, from selected farms and producers of the region. No sooner said than done. After a few months we had created the online shop

Logo-Banner des Cologne Fashion Days 2014

CFD – Cologne Fashion Days 2014

CFD – Cologne Fashion Days 2014: For the first time the fashion days take place in Cologne. The three-day fashion fair presents, among other things, high-quality (but also affordable) fashion, various high-end labels and young couture.

Hot Stuff: CM Models

CM Models is, although the model agency is not yet officially on the market, already alive and kicking. CM Models polarizes the media world like no other in the metropolis on the Rhine. If you want to read more, there is a big interview about the success story on Fashion-Interview.com : CM Models. But also […]

Designaktion bei Lukinski

DESIGNS: 50% OFF (promotion)

Megaproject completed! 1 week off until the next… We have new wonderful DESIGNERS! Therefore only now 50% DISCOUNT on the next 3 requests. No matter if you need a logo, business cards, brochure, folder, advertising material, banner, corporate design or … call us now at 0221-630-619-40 or write to mail@lukinski.de!

Germany new fashion blog – Minamia.de

Maybe you have already noticed that Lukinski is developing more and more in the direction of fashion. Besides the various engagements in different model and fashion agencies, CM Models is my baby – can you write it like that? Yes! In this environment, we naturally want to expand the media offer many times over, which […]

SEO-Day 2014 – Relaunch & Speaker for Search Engine Conference No. 1

SEO Relaunch: For the fifth time in a row, the SEO-Day will take place in Cologne on 30 October 2014. The SEO-Day is a conference on the topic of search engine optimization. As every year, it takes place in the Rhein Energie Stadium in Cologne. Organized by the SEO expert Fabian Rossbacher. Not only do […]

Social Media Marketing - Inspiration für Modelabel von Stephan M. Czaja (Lukinski)

OUT NOW! Social Media Marketing for Fashion Label

This morning I came into the office, opened my notebook and started as usual various programs like Photoshop and InDesign – work? But suddenly everything changed! It was there, my book, social media marketing, fashion label inspiration! I was so happy, I had to use the first second and directly record a video for all […]

RaketenSEO Ranking

Lukinski.de – Media blog for digital media & content management

I ♡ love to write. Media articles, blog posts, books… my website slowly went from an agency site to a magazine. The response, especially to the book and the blog posts in social media management are so surprisingly great that it was time to cleanly separate author & agency site for once for readers & […]

Comic tablets for Germany’s pharmacies

About two weeks ago I started to work on a whole new topic – medicine. More precisely, pharmacies! It’s about a new business idea, which is already very popular among all pharmacists in France and the USA. It involves consumers being better informed about their medicines than ever before. Do you know the problem when […]