Uniform facade design – condominium, paint & old building

Uniform façade design – Regulated by the owner or, in the case of apartment buildings, by the condominium owners’ association. If a tenant or owner of a condominium changes something on his facade, he must obtain the corresponding consent. It does not matter whether it is a different color, a change in the plaster or the general architecture of the house. It means that the residents cannot add or change things as they please, as a harmonious and uniform appearance of the house is to be preserved. Especially in holiday areas with a lot of bungalows, they are very strict about a uniform facade design and are not allowed to paint their bungalow with a different colour, for example. For most old towns there are strict regulations for a uniform facade design.

Uniform facade design at a glance

  • Owner or homeowners’ association sets rules & decides on changes
  • Harmonious & uniform appearance is to be ensured
  • Old towns – particularly strict regulations

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