Tag Archive for: Experiences

Money, finance, cash flow, tax coaching and 7 basic rules: Experiences of Alex Fischer

Money, finance, cash flow, taxes… where does it all start? With you. If you want to become a real estate investor and make money in real estate, you need to master one subject above all others: Finance & Taxes. From my own experience – including with my accountant – I know what I don’t know […]

5 Insurances for builders & what to look out for

Especially with a big project like building a house, there are some risks. Whether the construction is delayed, the costs exceed the estimated budget or things go wrong. These risks should not be supported by builders and therefore some things are important before the start of construction, so that no nasty surprises come your way. […]

Statutory health insurance as a self-employed person and freelancer

Statutory health insurance -As a worker and employee, you are automatically a member of a statutory health insurance fund. The registration and payment of the monthly premiums is done by your employer. However, even if you are self-employed or freelance, you can register in a statutory health insurance and benefit from the advantages of health […]

Supplementary health insurance – for whom is it worthwhile?

Supplementary health insurance – The benefits provided by statutory and private health insurance are continually decreasing. Some desired benefits, such as the single bed room and the chief physician treatment in the hospital, are not included in the standard tariff of a health insurance. Likewise, in the case of dental prostheses with implants, you have […]

Private health insurance – advice on benefits and services

Private health insurance – It is well known that as a private patient you enjoy some advantages and, for example, do not have to wait in line for specialist appointments. The privileges through a private health insurance pay off, provided that you choose your insurance coverage wisely and based on your needs. Self-employed, freelancers, private […]

Health – Advice on insurance

Health – Since 2009, there is a mandatory health and long-term care insurance in Germany prescribed by law. Exceptions are excluded, so that you also have to take out health insurance as a self-employed person, freelancer or low-income earner. If you are employed subject to compulsory insurance, you are automatically covered by health insurance through […]