Money, finance, cash flow, tax coaching and 7 basic rules: Experiences of Alex Fischer

Money, finance, cash flow, taxes… where does it all start? With you. If you want to become a real estate investor and make money in real estate, you need to master one subject above all others: Finance & Taxes. From my own experience – including with my accountant – I know what I don’t know or suggest is rarely brought forward to me proactively. Taxes are complex, finances too, entrepreneurship and real estate anyway. But it’s worth it, because this is where the real profit lies, or the profit that is designed to be tax efficient. But before I tell you about the online coaching of Alex Fischer (article coming in a few days), here’s a look at the basis, one of his bestsellers “Reicher als die Geissens”, so to speak, the foundation, the mindset.

Experiences of Alex Fischer: Real Estate, Finance and Taxes

If you want to be successful in life, including professional success, you need more than “just” goals. Much deeper lying is one’s own mindset and one’s own ideals, which build up and manifest themselves in life. Decisions depend on our ideals. Fortunately, these ideals can be changed, corrected, even completely torn down and renewed. All this with the goal of becoming happy, success not only privately, but also at work. But before it comes to money and your first property through generated equity, real estate millionaire and author Alex Fischer, in the podcast of “Reicher als die Geissens”, gives a deep insight into the topic of mindset and ideals. Your prerequisite for success!

Reading Tip! Field report tax coaching

I love taxes! That’s why I was perhaps one of the first to buy the new tax coaching by Alex Fischer. In my little “insider report,” I’ll tell you about my experience. In a nutshell:

  1. You need a stable annual income of 50.000 Euro+ then “saving taxes” is really fun.
  2. It’s lots and lots of concentrated knowledge. Be prepared that you will need weeks to operationalize it in your company (or privately) (PS: If it were easy, anyone could do it).
  3. Your accountant manages your bills, tax preparation is absolutely the boss’s business, you know your individual assets best

If that doesn’t scare you off, here’s how to get to the article:

Should you ever want to check out the tax course for yourself: Here you’ll learn how to build a cash-flowing million-dollar fortune with just brains alone, making your life more and more relaxing. Reminder: It doesn’t happen overnight!

Career Podcast & Coaching for your Bucket List

Those who pay a lot of taxes have success. If you want to be successful, you need a foundation. “Richer than the Geissens” needs to be on the bucket list for anyone looking for success. Top 2 on Amazon for career, 200,000 readers, the numbers speak for themselves. When I first streamed the audiobook I thought I would be through it in a day, far from it! What you learn in this book are long term strategies that take time to work. Basically, it’s about becoming successful with real estate within five years with €0 equity.

The podcast contains so many universal and timeless recipes for success! It’s best to write along and always take diligent notes while listening. Here is a very memorable quote from Alex Fischer from these episodes that I made a note of:

“Strengthen your strengths!” – Alex Fischer

Here I want to point you once again to the universality of the audiobook “Richer than the Geissens”. For private individuals, employees but also entrepreneurs who already generate decent cash flow, the book and audio book is a strong and (for the subject) compact guide.

Success in life (and in business)

But before it comes to building cash flow, matching cash flow, equity and your very first property, you must first work on yourself. After all, you are the architect of your own happiness.

In order to make good decisions, you need knowledge. This knowledge is based on situations, values and conversations you have experienced in the course of your life. So you make decisions every day based on what you know. Now the big question is: Do you learn by trial and error, trying to explore all avenues yourself, making mistakes, losing time, maybe even going bankrupt as a self-employed person, or do you learn from those who have made it?

Exactly! If you want to succeed, you need to adopt structures and mindsets from people who are positive role models for your goal. Learning from those who have succeeded is always a good strategy, especially to avoid your own mistakes. The less equity you have, the greater the risk of failure for you.

So before you “make money” start with the absolute basics, your mindset and ideal.

In this review, I’m going to take you through a few of the less but key learnings from the first chapters of the free audiobook of “Richer than the Geisses”. You want to be successful? Then definitely get the book or listen to the free podcast by Alex Fischer.

Mindset for your life and entrepreneurship

What goals drive us as people, but also as entrepreneurs? In episode 6: Your personal real estate opportunities, Alex Fischer goes into the very basic goals that drive us, especially with regard to real estate. If you listen to the podcast “Richer than the Geisses”, you have one goal in particular: making money in real estate. Later in the podcast, it goes much deeper into your mindset. At the beginning of the podcast it is called “Recognize your personal opportunities in the real estate market”, that is, which segments, opportunities and goals are meaningful for you personally?

What is your individual goal?

In the podcast, Alex Fischer lists many different motives that can drive you, from a carefree retirement to cash flow through real estate in a big way. You want:

  • Supplement your future retirement as effectively as possible,
  • Convert taxes and duties into private assets,
  • Earn or make a living with real estate brokerage,
  • Generate additional cash flow before retirement,
  • Be able to live out of the cash flow of the rental income or
  • Like Alex Fischer, making a living in real estate.

These are just some of the goals and possibilities that people want to achieve. Specific goals help you in general, think about what is really important to you. This way you can achieve one goal at a time. For many who are at the beginning of their own career, it is very helpful to think about your own ideas early on before you invest a lot of time without having a concrete goal in mind.

So there are many ways, which depend on your goals on the one hand, but also on your own personal requirements. This includes, of course, and above all, equity capital. If you want to have entrepreneurial success, investments are inevitable.

According to Alex Fischer, there is much more here, because there is always a goal behind the goal, your purpose. But before Alex Fischer goes deeper in the podcast, it’s about the basic question: What would be your, personally important 3 real estate goals and what is your goal behind the goal? You want to understand what that means in concrete terms? Then listen to episode 6: Your personal real estate opportunities of “Richer than the Geisses”.

You can find these and other goals in Alex Fischer‘s member area. In addition, there are concrete study and learning tips on how you can individually reach your goal – quickly and effectively. All methods and steps have been tested by Alex Fischer himself. Orientation, overview, process. An extremely exciting path with a lot to gain.

Does money make you happy?

Goals are great, the first goal of many entrepreneurs is financial freedom, which means equity and previously cash flow to be able to build equity for themselves in the first place. Money, money, money. Alex Fischer raises the question in episode 7: Does money (really) make you happy? Alex Fischer gives a clear and direct answer: no, if it did, everyone in Hollywood would be happy. But it’s not like that.

Alex Fischer writes and talks about moments of success in episode 7. Creativity and design as true lucky charms.

Moments of success: Just not for yourself

This is followed in the book by great examples of great success moments that Alex Fischer has experienced, like many other celebrity examples. Great moments of success that were only supposed, mostly for the outsiders. For oneself, the world looks very different. He shows this with amazing examples that I have never heard before.

Alex Fischer shows how, for example, Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher, mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner, but also tennis legend Boris Becker in their greatest moments, personally felt no success and that on their absolute peaks of success. Schuhmacher cried at his first victory in Monza. To this day, he is the most successful driver Formula 1 history has ever seen. He holds the record of seven world titles with 91 victories. His first victory ended in tears, but not of joy. Check out all the stories in the podcast here, in episode 7: Does money (really) make you happy.

Reinhold Messner, Boris Becker and Michael Schumacher

When Reinhold Messner reached Mount Everest, he “felt nothing but emptiness and even fell into a depressive mood”. When Boris Becker won to become number 1 in the world rankings, he left the stadium without a word, sat down by a nearby river and cried. Alex Fischer himself had to go through the same experience. 2.7 million with one signature. At the first property he was still completely euphoric, at the next one with 2.3 million not, not at all. He liked the property. So how can you make 2.3 million profit with one signature and then be unhappy?

That sounds familiar

Personal comment: As an entrepreneur, I know the feeling too, especially when you start young. As a young entrepreneur, you get excited about your first 4-figure deal, your first 5-figure deal, your first 6-figure deal. In the beginning I also thought that the feeling of happiness increases exponentially. At the first 4-figure deal the happiness was huge, at the first 5-figure deal it was huge, at the first 6-figure deal it was manageable, and so on. In fact, the feeling of happiness does not increase in proportion to the growth of income. There has to be more!

Money? No, creativity and design

Alex now uses an example to describe very nicely what it’s all about. It’s not about money, it’s about design and creativity.

Alex Fischer answers the question: “What is happiness?” with a key experience. A little neighbor boy built a perfect snowman, with foundation, carrot nose, everything a good snowman needs. Why? Because. After 5 minutes, they tore the snowman apart with the same enthusiasm. Immediately after, he began to build an igloo. This is where Alex Fischer understood what it was all about:

“It wasn’t the ownership, or the managing of something. It was the creative process of making it that gave the satisfaction and joy.” – Alex Fischer

Video: Implement business idea

How to best implement your business idea

Positive thinking: Mindset

Fundamentally, achieving your goals is about having a positive mindset. What do happier-than-average people have in common? They take their life, work, but also their relationships playfully, according to Alex Fischer. Why were Alex Fischer, Boris Becker, Michael Schumacher and also Reinhold Messner themselves sad?

“It was success that killed the game.” – Alex Fischer

Repeating this game is boring and no longer gives the same satisfaction. It feels like it’s all downhill from here on out. So “just” making more money doesn’t make you happy anymore. The big question:

“What makes you fun? What makes you happy?” – Alex Fischer

Basic rules by Alex Fischer

His ground rules from episode 7 on the “Richer than the Geissens” podcast:

  1. Happiness comes from a creative, extroverted process (such as building a snowman, creating something of value).
  2. Without interest in the environment there is no happiness
  3. Increasing income only makes you happy to the extent that it removes obstacles that restrict you in your basic needs (financial freedom).
  4. The more valuable your own contributions to the environment seem to you, the higher the level of happiness will be.
  5. The more you do for your environment and help it, the higher is the personal satisfaction from it.
  6. Without a challenging goal, happiness doesn’t seem possible
  7. If the challenging goal is reached and there is no new one in sight, you will be unhappy (you need a new goal).

These rules show why the “rich and beautiful” are often not happy. They no longer have a new goal that is out of reach for them. What a powerful insight. Financial freedom alone will not make you happy. What will make you happy is achieving new goals yourself. For yourself and those around you. As Alex Fischer says, “Self-esteem is the foundation of self-confidence.” This is also where you will learn a lot in the later episodes of Part 3. There it’s all about your resource list and strengths list. These assets, combined with your Purpose (the big goal) and the Industry Niche List, will show you the most effective way to achieve financial freedom and happiness.

A positive mindset is what matters! Insights from “Richer than the Geissens” by Alex Fischer, episode 7: Does money (really) make you happy?

Reason and ideals

The fifth chapter of the book or episode 10 in the podcast is about your own mind. Episode 10: How your mind evaluates and what tricks it plays introduces the topic of “ideals”. Simply explained with an example in the audio book: A child, for example, cannot deal with money, it has no comparative values yet. Our own mind constantly compares new information that we perceive with old information in order to be able to assess current, new situations. It is the same in business. Are 1,000 visitors to your online shop per month good or 100,000? Without a reference to what you have already learned (analyses from software, conversations with people from similar industries, etc.), you cannot make a statement about whether the number of visitors in view of the market is good (ideal) or not. So the principle of one’s own ideal is very fundamental for evaluating situations in everyday life.

Each of us has ideal ideas that have developed in areas of life such as relationships, business, money, and much more. We look at the situation, compare it with the ideal state and find similarities and deviations. Alex Fischer shows this with financial transactions: His goal was to earn as large a sum as possible in one go. Opportunities with low but regular income were uninteresting to him. It did not fit with his ideal.

But can these ideals also be wrong?

Example: Ideals in a relationship

Example partnership, he writes: Lifestyle magazines often paint a false picture of partnership. For example, “butterflies in the stomach, even after 10 years of relationship”. Then he refers to a woman. This woman has a perfect husband, he makes an effort, shows affection, but the butterflies in her stomach are gone. Her consequences: she compares her relationship with the ideal image she created before. As a result, she ends the relationship. The butterflies in the stomach came because of the insecurity and the uncertainty of what the new partner and the new relationship will bring.

Remember: “False ideals lead to fatally flawed decisions.” – Alex Fischer

We constantly compare situations with our ideals. Questioning and exploring your own ideals can protect you from making the wrong decisions. Alex Fischer provides further examples, for example from the financial sector around known, non-existent and unconscious information. You must recognize and correct false ideals. Alex Fischer sums up: Pay attention to the fact that you have the correct ideal conceptions in the individual ranges of your life if possible. Wrong ideals lead to wrong decisions. Information that you do not have (white information), you should uncover and correct.

You can hear the examples and much more on the subject of ideals in episode 10: How your mind evaluates and the tricks it plays.

Happiness outside the comfort zone

Rising above fears, above the unknown, makes you happy, says Alex Fischer in episode 11: Happiness lies outside the comfort zone. Because happiness lies outside the comfort zone. But in order to leave your comfort zone, you have to find the right motivation first. Very few people leave their familiar terrain.

The comfort zone is around you, like a fence. What can you do? What do you dare to do? As you learn in the book or podcast, just managing it doesn’t make you happy. “Sure, the fence has advantages. Inside is safety, outside is potential failure.” But safety also means boredom and eventually thoughts like insecurity arise, because you have to protect what you’ve achieved. Beyond the fence lies happiness. The fence can be protection or a “gateway to new happiness and abilities.”

It can be extremely enriching for you personally to deal with the dare and of course also the risk by going beyond your own comfort zone. Set yourself a goal, divide it into small stages.

If you decide for “new ways”, then I have here another small personal story, fit to a quote of Alex Fischer from part 2 of “Richer than the Geissens”. One’s values determine which people one attracts. A friend of mine, who now owns a few properties of his own when he is under 30, also started looking for apartments early on, specifically in the vicinity of successful people. He himself is from Cologne and then, for example, took an apartment in the Kran haus, where stars like Lukas Podolski (national team) are supposed to live. Accordingly, his day started with the elevator to the underground parking garage, where he had small talks with neighbors, and downstairs there were Porsches, but also two Ferraris. This is not to show how important material value is, but to show how you can change your own mindset, according to Alex Fischer, through your own actions.

“People surround themselves with people who have the same values.” – Alex Fischer

Symbolic interactionism

The next episode is difficult to summarize in a few words. It is about individual perception and common tuning of symbols. An extremely exciting chapter that you can listen to here, episode 12: What I can learn for life from traffic rules. Briefly described, it’s about “symbolic interactionism” using a parable, traffic signs. Traffic signs are well defined and by learning them intensively, there is no chaos on the roads. Alex Fischer now goes to the level of language, because such symbols can be traffic signs, but also words. Words are just as precisely defined, you can find their definitions in the Duden. So we don’t have to speculate when we hear a word. We know what it is about when we read or hear a certain word, in a certain context.

We learn the symbols in the course of life. Traffic symbols through the driving school teacher, words for example through our parents in childhood. We take this information and assign it, so it becomes afflicted with symbols and meanings. If you remember the example of the relationship (above in the article), it is especially our ideals that cause wrong decisions when we match wrong facts with new situations, in the example it was the butterflies in the stomach, like on the first day and that after more than 10 years of relationship. Therefore, the couple’s goal must be to align their own symbols and value through joint conversations. So that false ideals are corrected. An extremely exciting chapter that you can listen to here, episode 12: What I can learn from traffic rules for life.

I can also recommend this tip to all entrepreneurs for their team:

Through common conversations, align one’s symbols and values.

The learning of these individual capital is large. Before you can name goals concretely, you have to take a look at mindsets and ideals. They accompany you all day, even at night in your dreams. If you go to your goal (your purpose) in the later episodes, then you will certainly have to correct some of your own ideals or even throw them overboard. It will also be extremely interesting in the later episodes regarding “money” and “earning money”.

You want more and deeper information about money, happiness and mindset? You can find more on the Youtube channel. Here you can also find many of my lectures that have been published on other channels: Alex Fischer Youtube.

Video: Strategic planning

In this video by Alex Fischer you will learn how to go through the ceiling with the right strategy.

Part 2: Happy without goals? Your Purpose

The second part is about the Purpose according to Alex Fischer. What that is, I explain to you in this review. The Purpose is the basis for pretty much everything in your life. It helps you to make the right decisions: for yourself, for your success and also “for” your environment. A big part of success is the automation of certain processes, but also your own financial patterns. All this draws its energy from your Purpose!

Your Purpose: Why you do something

As you learned in the first part of the review of “Richer than the Geissens”, you have to deal with your own mindset before building up (passive) cash flow, equity and buying your first property, in order to become truly successful. After our look at ideal mindsets, now for our second part, your Purpose according to Alex Fischer. What that is, I explain to you in this review. The Purpose is the basis for pretty much everything in your life. It helps you to make the right decisions: for yourself, for your success and also “for” your environment. A big part of success is the automation of certain processes, but also your own financial patterns. All this draws its energy from your Purpose!

Alex Fischer starts off by asking, “How the hell do you find your Purpose?” Episode 16, How to Find Your Purpose is about how you’re no longer “just” pursuing goals. You’ll learn what that means in Episode 16, here’s a little insight:

Henry Ford, Steve Jobs: Visions

Henry Ford’s dream was that everyone should drive a car. With the assembly line, he transformed the car into a mass product for everyone.

Steve Jobs wanted to give everyone a tool to make a dent in the universe. Currently, Apple ranks as the most valuable company on Wall Street with a stock market value of $920 billion. With computers, MP3 players but also the smartphone, Apple revolutionized the digital entertainment and mobile phone industry.

Steve Jobs Spirit

What is palpable episode after episode is the spirit of Steve Jobs. He not only changed the world, but also a part of Alex Fischer’s world has influenced the legend. You can feel that and so there’s also some business wisdom from Steve Jobs and insights into the structures of Apple – at times the most valuable company in the world at the moment. Alex always thought Apple’s vision was great. Apple changed a whole generation:

“Our customers are the creatives and rebels. We build the cool tools for them to make a dent in the universe.” – Apple Inc.

Alex gives the tips right here that you need to know in order to have the knowledge to put dents in the universe. What you learn here in the book: to build a real freedom and money machine. Knowledge that is often missing in academic paths:

Applicable, financial and entrepreneurial education. The missing specialty, success in life.

When motivation is lost…

Henry Ford and Steve Jobs had found their purpose. One wanted the car for everyone, the other wanted its users to be able to “make a dent in the universe”.

Alex Fischer also had a moment in life, as he describes in episode 16 How to Find Your Purpose, where he lost his drive. He had achieved his goal, he makes a lot of money in real estate. Alex Fischer had found a way to make a lot of money, real estate that is, but he still lost the motivation to get up in the morning. A real problem that every businessman knows. It makes you sluggish and demotivated. The reason for a burnout, according to Alex Fischer.

Being happy without goals?!

In the section “Being happy” Alex Fischer found out that it is above all about pursuing one’s own personal, challenging goal that is as helpful as possible for one’s environment. Conversely, this means that if you stray from your goal, you will not feel any happiness or pleasure and you will eventually hate what you are doing.

If you think about goals, then especially about those that you have not achieved. Now comes the big kicker, the brilliant idea. His thesis:

“Happiness is on the opposite side of what I don’t want.” – Alex Fischer

By writing down in a structured way the things you don’t want, don’t like, even hate, in a list, you can find exactly the things you want. So you can use the negative thoughts to formulate exactly the opposite of what you want.

Is “target” the same as “goal”?

Here’s a quick insert from the later episode of “RADG”. In German, the word Ziel stands for the achievement of something. In English there are many definitions, which describe a goal, but are to be interpreted quite differently. “Aim”, “Target”, “Goal” but also “Purpose”. Purpose means “purpose”, “to intend something” or “to achieve something”. Purpose, however, is also translated as “task”, and even as “destiny”.

So how do you find your Purpose?

What’s the big deal about when you’re looking for goals? I know this story from Alex Fischer all too well myself. When you think about “goals” and where you see yourself in the future, you often only find the goals you haven’t achieved. It’s frustrating.

Alex Fischer makes a virtue out of necessity, that’s how Alex Fischer got on his “hate list”.

Explained briefly: Alex Fischer wrote a list of things he no longer feels like doing. So that they are no longer floating around in his head, but written down. The name of the list:

“What I don’t like to do. What I don’t like to do anymore. What I really hate to do!” – Alex Fischer

While writing it, he realized as hard as it is to find things you want to do (goals mindful of all the ones you didn’t accomplish), it was easy to write down things you no longer want. The Dislike List. The big advantage of this list, by having all that out of his head now on paper, he feels “free as never before”.

The trick: Things you hate, things you love

Here’s the kicker. Take the things you don’t like and turn them into positive beliefs. An example from the book: “I don’t like doing the same thing over and over again”. Conversely, “I like to figure out and apply new things over and over again”. Or “I hate giving my advice in sales to people who don’t appreciate it”. Conversely, “I love giving advice to people who appreciate that advice”.

This makes it clear what you enjoy and what you don’t. It quickly becomes clear to you and also to Alex Fischer that it wasn’t the job that you didn’t like, but only individual aspects.

How to make your Dislike list

  1. Set up a 2-column Word document or fold a Din-A4 paper upright in the middle.
  2. Label the left column with the heading “Things I don’t like, frustrate me or hate to do”.
  3. Start writing down everything you don’t like in the left column until you can’t think of anything else. Take all areas of life, not only the job, also relationship, family, friends, hobbies, etc..
  4. If you really, really can’t think of anything else, you should have several pages by now – hint: Alex Fischer had 3 pages
  5. Sort similar things and put them under a common denominator such as the heading “Things I don’t like because I feel overqualified for them”. But leave all the individual points underneath, you will need them later to go into detail when working through them.
  6. Only when you really can’t think of anything else and the elaboration including headings, summary, then go to 7.
  7. Now rephrase the points on the left bluntly, without thinking objective or problems. That is, exactly the opposite, on the right.
  8. After completion, look again over all the points formulated
  9. Think now for the first time about your purpose, from this you create your formulations (explained in more detail in the podcast or book).
  10. … listen to the other 6 points in the podcast: How to find your purpose.

In the podcast and book, Alex Fischer goes into great detail about working out, giving examples and best practices from his life. Tip. In the podcast you also get current, further notes, which are not found in the book!

Ingenious: How to change your mindset

Alex Fischer realized that he didn’t hate his job (dealing in real estate), just individual areas. This led to insight 2): Categorize your individual bullet points into higher-level categories under which multiple bullet points can be grouped. From this comes number 3) mirror these findings to find out what you like and want. A very simple example: “I hate bad weather”, on the contrary” I love good weather”. What a realization!

What a realization! But more on that in a moment.

The transformation of negative beliefs into positive ones. So I can turn my own mindset around and now know how to focus negative thoughts and reformulate them into positive beliefs.

Video: How to get more done in less time

Alex Fischer at Networxvision’s Superhero event.

Experience that will help you as an investor

“In 5 years without equity to the real estate millionaire” – here you get the right and important tools for a happier and more fulfilling life, also through financial freedom. Alex Fischer lives it, with real estate he has long provided for himself. His focus is to pass on knowledge, strategies and success stories. An extremely inspiring audio book. You want more Know How? If you want to learn more principles, strategies and methods, you should take a look at Alex Fischer’s YouTube channel. Here you can find playlists sorted by topics to learn everything online. In addition, you can find further links to slides and checklists here on YouTube – these documents are also completely free, without an email address. Tip! In the free members area you can get the 27 strategies Alex Fischer has extracted after more than twenty years of experience, compressed in an 11-page PDF as a checklist.

“Richer than the Geissens”: Book and audio book

With over 200,000 readers, “Richer than the Geisses” is mega successful, for good reason. It’s also in the top 100 on Amazon! In a nutshell, you get 43 timeless laws of success that will make you more successful financially, professionally and personally. You’ll learn to achieve your goals, to “materialize” them (you’ll learn what that means in the book). You get exact step-by-step instructions to your own personal financial freedom. So you avoid really frustrating mistakes right at the beginning. As a private person and/or as an entrepreneur, you will learn from Alex Fischer how to avoid these fatal mistakes and at the same time follow your passion – every day! In total, the book contains hundreds of learnings that will specifically help you lead a happier and more fulfilled life. Best of all, you can get the audiobook for free on Spotify and iTunes!

Tip. Taxes are a matter for the boss (Online Coaching)

I’ve looked at a lot and have a favorite: Alex Fischer. Self-made real estate millionaire, down to earth, focused, very clear in his thoughts, ideas and structures. I’ve been following his Youtube channel for a long time. Then came his book, with stories and experiences from himself: Richer than the Geisses. Now the book is available for free, yes free! Therefore, here is my extra tip for all who also have the desire to make money with real estate.

Learn how you can build up a cash-flowing million-dollar fortune and thus make your life more and more relaxed, just by using your brains alone.