Buy a villa: Exclusive real estates – house, investment, checklist and procedure

Buying a villa – exposés of first-class properties are not found on real estate portals. Villas are gladly bought and sold discreetly. The purchase of real estate has a fixed procedure: Property search, inspection, negotiations, purchase contract, notary, taxes & Co. The purchase of villas is of course somewhat more demanding. If only because you […]

Selling a villa: Procedure, costs, solvent buyers and speculation tax

Selling a villa – The sale of villas and exclusive estates does not follow a regular scheme. Why? The more exclusive the property, the more likely sellers are looking for absolutely discreet real estate agents. The technical term here: off market properties. They do not show up in any real estate portal. Off market properties […]

C Corporation: Real Estate, Forming, Advantages / Disadvantages & Taxes

C Corporation – Of the types of real estate entities, companies, and corporations, the C corporation is among the most popular for real estate investments and investors. It provides limited liability, and allows for many investors, unlike the S corporation. That means it is often explained as a more large-scale real estate investment business. We […]

Multiple Real Estate Entities: Real Estate, Forming, Advantages / Disadvantages & Taxes

Owning Multiple Real Estate Entities – Is it worth it to own multiple companies for real estate investments? No doubt. With multiple entities you are more likely to reducce liability, and redce the amount you pay on taxes by being able to choose freely from different types of companies. Whether you have multiple LLCs, an […]

S Corporation: Real Estate, Forming, Advantages / Disadvantages & Taxes

S Corporation – For real estate, S corporations have gone slightly out of favour, but not for good reasons. Forming an S corporation to reduce liability and save taxes for real estate is still worth it. Many people would strongly profit from a s corporation for their real estate investments. We discuss here the forms […]

Old building flat: High ceilings, oriel and stucco – investment and capital investment

Old building apartment – You want to buy an apartment? There are many options to choose from. The Altbau apartment is one of the most sought-after properties on the German market and an excellent investment. Due to its distinctive charm, special architecture and unique construction, this apartment is highly sought after by many people. Due […]

Loft apartment: Exclusive living in an industrial look? Advantages & disadvantages, costs and tips

Buy a loft apartment – You want to buy an apartment or sell an apartment? Then you should know about the respective apartment type! No matter whether old building, penthouse or maisonette. Here you can find out everything about lofts. Especially in big cities like New York or London lofts were built for the first […]

Limited Partnership: Real Estate, Forming, Advantages / Disadvantages & Taxes

Limited Partnership Real Estate – With a limited partnership in real estate you can avoid personal liability. With a general partner who will usually take up most of the responsibilites and investors only contributing their capital, this is a very favoured form of real estate investment company. What is a RELP? How are limited partnerships […]

GmbH: Real estate, formation, advantages/disadvantages & taxes

The formation of a GmbH (limited liability company) is a popular option for entrepreneurs who are active in the real estate sector or would like to enter this business field – also known as a real estate GmbH. Today we will take a closer look at the formation of a GmbH in connection with real […]

Apartment types: What are the types of apartments? Real estate guide

Apartment Types – The real estate market is almost endless, and the apartment division is no exception. There are numerous apartment types, all of which differ from one another by a wide variety of factors. If you are looking for an investment property, rent an apartment, buy an apartment or build one yourself, you will […]

Apartment: Advantages and disadvantages of the modern small apartments for investment, renting & Co.

Buying an apartment – Are you looking for the perfect investment property, or would you like to buy an apartment, but are not familiar with different types of apartments, or would you like to learn more about apartments? Here you can find out all about apartments: size, features and tips to look out for? Like […]

Maisonette: Renting, buying and financing the popular form of living

Buying a duplex apartment – Looking for the perfect property? Want to buy an apartment, sell an apartment or looking for the right investment property? There are numerous property types such as a penthouse, a loft or an apartment in an old building. Here you can find out everything about the apartment type maisonette: “Small […]