Buy rented or unrented? Advantages and disadvantages for buyers

Buying real estate: Rented or unrented? – You have found a property that suits your personal goals, but it is rented? No problem. You can also buy a rented property for your own use or as an investment. Of course, you are also free to purchase a vacant property at any time. Find out here […]

Buying an apartment: Goals, Criteria & Factors – 11-Point Checklist

Buying an apartment: This is what you should pay attention to! – With our 11-point checklist you are perfectly prepared for your property search. Find out here which considerations you should definitely make before looking for an apartment. Always in focus: The big difference between personal use and capital investment. After all, this has an […]

Investment real estate or yield real estate? Advantages and disadvantages – investment forms in comparison

Investment property or yield property – both capital investments are popular forms of investment. But what is the difference between a yield property and an investment property? What are the advantages and disadvantages? And how does it affect taxes? We also address the question: Which of the two forms is particularly suitable for the first […]

Minimize inflation risk & build wealth through real estate: Money investments in comparison

Minimize inflation risk & build up assets through real estate – There are many types of capital investments, from traditional savings books to Riester pensions. However, investing in real estate is not only particularly safe, but also particularly profitable in times of inflation. After all, inflation also means devaluation of money. According to the central […]

Partial sale house: sale in old age?! Disadvantages, advantages, experience

Partial sale house – single-family house, terraced house, semi-detached house a whole apartment house and any other type of house – for many at some point the house becomes “too big” and the money “too little”. A quick, uncomplicated solution is the partial sale from the house. Does a partial sale make sense? Whether selling […]

Parking space / parking space / garage for sale: Valuation, condition, with or without broker + checklist

Selling a parking lot / parking space / garage – You want to sell a parking lot / parking space or your garage and are perhaps facing the first sale ever, then this brief introduction to the condominium and special use right, with transition to the guide “Sale in 18 steps” will help you to […]

Real Estate Location: Investing in… – Lukinski Rating / Investment Atlas Germany

C- / C / C+ Ratings: Real estate locations with risk in Germany – Lukinski Rating

All C ratings show cities with lower growth rates. Here, real estate as an investment should be treated with caution, because the vacancy risk is greater. This means that you pay more for every month in which your property is not rented out. In addition, the increase in value of the property is very low, […]

B- / B / B+ Ratings: Real Estate Locations in Germany – Lukinski Rating

All B ratings show cities with solid development. Here you can also find yield properties that immediately provide income that covers your monthly burdens around repayment, interest and maintenance. Ideally with additional extra, for active asset accumulation. B- / B / B+ ratings in Germany Lukinski Rating – You want to invest in real estate […]

Risk Champions: Worst D / D Ratings in Germany – Lukinski Rating

Lukinski Rating – D-rated cities have high risk, because their entire structure is extremely stagnant or even reduced. Economy, inhabitants, infrastructure, that all are indicators. D-Ratings are definitely not for beginners. Here you need not only experience, but also very good local knowledge to find the few, profitable properties. However, you will hardly ever experience […]

Top A / A+ Ratings: Hidden Champions for Capital Investments in Germany – Lukinski Rating

A / A+ ratings means fairly secure performance. Perfect for investment properties with low yield but high, later resale value. At the same time a strong inflation protection. However, in metropolises like Munich, nothing for real estate beginners without sufficient equity. A / A+ ratings in Germany Lukinski Rating – You want to invest in […]

Cities under 100,000 inhabitants: Real Estate Locations – Lukinski Rating

Lukinski Rating for cities under 100,000 inhabitants – Your advantages in cities between 40,000 to 100,000 inhabitants? You have less national and international competition. Especially if you live locally, a good strategic advantage, even for real estate newcomers. What is your city’s rating? Find out here! Here you will find the individual evaluation for cities […]