Modernisation (WEG) of a property
Modernisation (WEG) – Modernisation includes all structural measures taken by the owner with the aim of sustainably increasing the utility value of the property and permanently improving the living conditions. In the case of individual property, the condominium owner can carry out any type of modernization, but in the case of common property, the owner is dependent on the resolution of the condominium owners. Modernisations of the common property can only be decided by three quarters of all condominium owners entitled to vote. The exception is when the owner demands barrier-free access.
Modernisation (WEG) at a glance: Structural measures to increase the value of a property
- Structural measures with the aim of increasing the utility value of the property, increasing the sales value and improving the living conditions
- In the case of special property, any type of modernisation may be carried out
- In the case of common property, only after a resolution has been passed by the condominium owners.
- Resolution requires three quarters of the votes
- Exception only if owner invokes his right of accessibility
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