Weather in Bremen: Sunshine hours, sun and house building
Weather Bremen (13. January 2025) – What is the forecast probability that it will rain tomorrow in Bremen? Pouring rain, humidity and wind: The relevant weather data for copper, building supervision, sliding doors, air conditioning to real division. Read more about the current weather in Germany here.
Temperatures in Bremen
Bremen’s weather updated on 13. January 2025.
Forecast: Today / 3 days
Current in Germany
Forecast for Bremen: 12 hours
Wind in Bremen
Building materials are, in addition to the weather forecasts for Bremen, just as much the focus of builders as asphalt and insulating insulation materials. Excessive temperature fluctuations but also precipitation affect the house construction. Wind gusts or even rain, strong wind and rain the building site firmly in the grip, especially in winter. ING-Diba or Landesbank, depending on the calendar month in which is to be built, there are various disadvantages and advantages for the builders and the previously commissioned construction company, also in the financing of your new building, in the weather forecast, the fact humidity should always be kept in mind. Who builds its first house, asks itself already in the planning time many questions so for example “Which cloud types are there?” or “How do spring clouds develop?” For builders, planning involves an extremely large number of elements that must be kept in mind at all times before and during construction. These include alarm systems, tile adhesives, parquet flooring, floorboards to land registry.
Forecast: 12 hours
Forecast: Tomorrow
Wind in Germany: Current
Wind in Germany: Tomorrow
Wind gusts
Summation of all winds
Rain for Bremen
Cloud formation: Today
Cloud formation: Tomorrow
Rainfall: Today
Rainfall: Tomorrow
Rainfall in Germany: Today
Rainfall in Germany: Tomorrow
Humidity: Today
Weather alerts
Thunderstorms: Today
Fine dust and CO2
CO content in Bremen
CO content (fine dust) in Germany
Statistics & Average
Temperature (°C)
Comparison of mean maximum and minimum temperatures (°C)
Mean monthly precipitation (mm)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
54,1 | 44,6 | 52,1 | 57,4 | 69,2 | 81,3 | 75,2 | 74,3 | 59,8 | 53 | 63,2 | 61,4 | 746,2 |
Mean daily sum sun (h)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
1,6 | 2,7 | 3,8 | 5,3 | 6,8 | 7,1 | 7,1 | 6,7 | 5,2 | 3,7 | 2 | 1,4 | 4,5 |
Data basis: German Weather Service