Weather in Augsburg: wind, clouds and weekend

Weather Augsburg (7. September 2024) – Weather for builders and tradesmen. Severe weather and humidity: All relevant data for siliconizing, OSB boards and barrier-free. More about the weather in Germany.

Temperatures in Augsburg


Augsburg’s temperatures current on 7. September 2024.

Forecast: Today / 3 days

Current in Germany

Augsburg forecast: 12 hours

Wind in Augsburg

Downpour or storm, on site at the construction site it is important to consider the various weather-related influencing factors. The construction of a house will always be influenced by extreme temperatures, gusts of wind and precipitation – precautionary planning is therefore of great value in the building trade. In particular, it is also about the storage of building materials, such as non-ferrous metals like aluminum, magnesium, lead and copper and also exclusive natural stones like granite, slate and marble. There are many things that builders need to consider in advance and always plan with, such as submission plan, floor tiles and building. Mostly people are looking for quick answers to basic questions such as “Where and how is rain actually measured?” but also “What is the difference between climate and weather?” Volksbank, Landesbank or Volkswagen Bank, depending on the month the weather offers disadvantages and advantages for the builders and the contracted construction company, with the weather forecast the humidity must always be in the back of your mind.


Forecast: 12 hours

Forecast: Tomorrow

Wind in Germany: Current

Wind in Germany: Tomorrow

Wind gusts

Summation of all winds

Rain for Augsburg

Cloud formation: Today

Cloud formation: Tomorrow

Rainfall: Today

Rainfall: Tomorrow

Rainfall in Germany: Today

Rainfall in Germany: Tomorrow

Humidity: Today

Weather alerts

Thunderstorms: Today

Fine dust and CO2

CO content in Augsburg

CO content (fine dust) in Germany

Statistics & Average

Temperature (°C)

Wetter Infografik: Mittleres Temperaturmaximum

Mean maximum temperature (°C)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
2,1 3,5 7,4 11,7 16,8 20 21,8 21,7 18,3 13,2 7 3,4 12,2

Wetter Infografik: Mittleres Temperaturminimum

Mean minimum temperature (°C)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
-2,8 -2,4 0,2 3 7,2 10,5 12,3 12,2 9,6 5,9 1,7 -1,3 4,7

Comparison of mean maximum and minimum temperatures (°C)Wetter Infografik: Temperatur Vergleich


Mean monthly precipitation (mm)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
54,1 44,6 52,1 57,4 69,2 81,3 75,2 74,3 59,8 53 63,2 61,4 746,2

Wetter Infografik: Niederschlag

Days with precipitation > 1mm (days)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
11 9 10 10 11 11 10 10 9 9 11 11 121

Wetter Infografik: Regentage


Mean daily sum sun (h)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
1,6 2,7 3,8 5,3 6,8 7,1 7,1 6,7 5,2 3,7 2 1,4 4,5

Wetter Infografik: Sonnenstunden

Data basis: German Weather Service