Tag Archive for: Specialist lawyer

Certificate of competence – You should check this

Certificate of competence – Many clients ask whether there is a certificate of competence for real estate agents. This is not provided by the legislator, so that you do not have to look for a certificate of competence when hiring an estate agent. It is different with the obligation to the advanced training and further […]

Berlin: Top 13 recommendations real estate lawyer / law firm for real estate law

Real Estate Lawyer Berlin – A real estate lawyer is defined by the field of real estate and is therefore a specialist lawyer. He has an extensive expertise in the field of real estate and can advise on legal issues around the topic of house, apartment, land to the side. Which tasks a real estate […]

Real estate price overview: calculation, procedure, costs and market value assessment

Real Estate Price Overview – With the lowering of the prime rate, many people have decided to purchase real estate property. For some years the real estate prices rise rapidly and are hardly financeable straight in metropolises and population centers by normal earners. Those looking for residential property are not infrequently annoyed by the “greed” […]