Tag Archive for: Newly built apartment

Divorce settlement: limits, contents and the correct form

Divorce settlement agreement – If a divorce can no longer be avoided, it should at least be settled amicably between the two spouses. An amicable divorce is the easiest and most cost-effective for all parties involved. A divorce settlement agreement helps to make divorce by mutual consent as uncomplicated as possible and settles all the […]

Prevent foreclosure: My house / apartment is being auctioned, what can I do about it?

Prevent foreclosure – You have debts? Are you in the unfortunate situation that now a creditor has also initiated a foreclosure sale of your property to pay off his debt claim? Don’t worry! If you act early enough and certain circumstances are present, you can prevent a foreclosure. Prevent foreclosures – The options As soon […]

Explainer video: Foreclosure briefly & concisely summarized

Foreclosure – Are you in the unfortunate situation that your house is being foreclosed and you would now like to find out how the whole thing works and how much time you still have in possession of your property? Or are you bargain hunting and want to prepare yourself accordingly and find out how a […]

Partition auction in community of heirs: procedure, costs and the last resort?

Partial auction in community of heirs – The partial auction is a special variant of the forced sale and is used when several persons have ownership of a thing. This often involves land or real estate that is auctioned off and the proceeds divided among the owners. This situation often occurs in communities of heirs […]

Compulsory mortgage as security mortgage

Compulsory mortgage – A compulsory mortgage is the registration of a mortgage in the land register in the course of a compulsory execution. A forced mortgage is also considered a security mortgage, but unlike a normal mortgage, it is not contractually agreed and is entered in the land register in the course of the foreclosure. […]

Price growth, senior housing & real estate boom – Real Estate News

This week’s topic is rising real estate prices with Berlin ranking as the highest city in terms of real estate rental and purchase prices, as well as attractive opportunities for new construction. The lack of affordable senior housing is also a topic as well as the latest news on AirBnb apartments. All real estate news […]

Forced sale (real estate) to satisfy creditors

Forced sale (real estate) – The forced sale of real estate is understood to be the auctioning of the property to satisfy creditors. The initiation and execution of the compulsory auction is carried out by the competent district court and is announced publicly, usually in daily newspapers. A property may be put up for auction […]

Auction of a property: All important information

Auction – There is on the one hand the forced auction of a property or on the other hand the partition auction. A compulsory auction takes place when the owner can no longer pay the debts relating to the property. A partition auction takes place when the ownership of a property is divided among several […]