Tag Archive for: AfD

Warning Inflating Inflation (IMF) + German Central Bank Against Debt Relief for Greece | Business news

Business News – Greece is not just resting. Almost 200% debt forces the country to reform. Also the EU? The German Central Bankgives a clear cancellation of debt forgiveness. In addition, the editors of the time reported on the end of the magazine “Neon”. At the time of writing another message came from the World […]

Bavaria: Trends and forecasts for the 2017 federal election

Let’s go! Germany votes and we have summarized the first projections from the Bundestag election officer. A whole country goes to vote, also Bavaria prepares meticulously for the upcoming elections.we have the forecasts and trends from Potsdam to Hanover. For your constituency and your city we have the current forecasts, trends and projections. The election […]

Tendency and trends for the election in Baden-Württemberg

Let’s take a first look at the upcoming elections 2017! The federal election in Baden-Württemberg, constituency 908) with 7,689,895 eligible voters

Polls and projections for Lower Saxony

Lower Saxony, Hanover and Lower Saxony. The federal election is coming up. Here you will not only find information about the new candidates, here you can also read forecasts, trends