Wunderkynd – French Kiss

Summer hit? Wunderkynd finally releases “Zungenkuss”! With his new music project, the exceptional musician from Cologne proves how multifaceted you can be as a creative person in the music industry. The attention to detail is quickly noticeable, from guitar riffs to the very atmospheric, almost intoxicating video, which was specially shot in LA (USA). Now […]

Homeday.de – the new real estate portal for real estate agents

The real estate portal Homeday.de is now online! For real estate agents in Cologne and Düsseldorf Homeday.de offers with new technology the best solution for successful sales on the market. Homeday.de works “every day to make selling real estate easier. We use modern technology to automate all manual steps. This gives our on-site staff more […]

Relaunch & Ranking Increase: Off goes the mail

Here we go! It’s the first statistic, but wow. Straight from 740 to 1000 impressions (ads in search results). Week 2: 1450. The clicks accordingly. With the increase of about 25% in the first few days we can already say: Complete success. Especially when you consider how lasting the effects of our website relaunch will […]

Model Casting x Cologne, 03.05.15 x Your Chance

On 03.05.2015 it is called: Open Casting in Cologne! For all models, whether fashion / catwalk or newfaces, the chance to get a place in one of the upcomming model agencies. The casting starts at 10 am. To be found in the Media Park, Cologne. For the third time, new talents in beauty, fashion and […]

Make money with Instagram

Many Instagrammers and bloggers wonder how to make money with their own Instagram account! In this way, Instagram is not much different from the industry giant Youtube. Youtube just had a little more time and was bought up by Google, who have since put a lot of effort into ensuring that Youtube remains the number […]

Model agency goes international

Among the German model agencies there are only a few players that show how the fashion industry will be positioned in the coming years. One of the big players will be CM Models. After only a few months in the industry, the Cologne-based model agency already reaches thousands of contacts every month. Through clever online […]

New! ChargeHero PowerStations – Commercial and Online Marketing

ChargeHero is new. And genius. Why? The Cologne-based startup solves a simple problem: empty batteries. Soon there will be mobile charging stations for smartphones and tablets – everywhere in Cologne. In a few minutes you are mobile again – you can surf, call or take photos.

Kampagne, Model im Karl Lagerfeld Look für Top 10 Modelagenturen Deutschland

Top10 Model Agencies Germany

There is an excellent model agency in every major German city. For young models, entering the business through a model agency is the surest way to success and in the big fashion magazines like Elle, Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar. From Munich to Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne there are many good agencies. My research therefore also […]

First Class Jewelry Retouch – Photoshop Post-Processing, Design and Batch Processing

You are looking for experts for your jewelry retouch, then contact me gladly and at any time. We have significant references of German jewelry manufacturers. Quality, Made in Germany. We are the experts when it comes to creating infinite variations from one basis. We accomplish this on the one hand by designing and applying smart […]

Model agencies Berlin | List of agencies for models

Modeling in Berlin – The entry into the business is for young models a difficult undertaking, the success is strongly dependent on own dedication and ambition. The cooperation with a good model agency can already contribute a lot to success. Below you will find a list of the best agencies in Berlin. You want to […]

Model agencies Munich | List of agencies for models

Modeling in Munich – The entry into the business is a difficult undertaking for young models, the success is strongly dependent on own dedication and ambition. The cooperation with a good model agency in Munich can already contribute a lot to success. In the following you will find a list of the best agencies in […]

Model agencies Hamburg | List of agencies for models

The entry into the business is a difficult undertaking for young models, the success is strongly dependent on own dedication and ambition. The cooperation with a good model agency can already contribute a lot to success. Below you will find a list of the best agencies in Cologne. More tips? Read more about model application […]