Reach more interested parties through well-attended housing exchanges
As the owner, you have various options for selling your house or apartment. Private sales are possible, but in most cases they generate high and initially unknown costs. It sounds simple, though. You use a housing exchange, enter your offer and use pictures to substantiate your description and appeal to interested parties. Then you pay the required fee for your advertisement and proceed with the next housing exchange according to the same principle. In addition to the costs, which can add up rapidly with private sales, you invest a lot of time in the preparation of the exposé, in the advertisements and after publication in the communication with interested parties. Now your negotiating skills are in demand, because you can be sure that most contacts go hand in hand with an inquiry as to whether “something can still be done about the price”. A further difficulty arises if you do not know the traffic of the apartment exchanges and advertise, for example, where very few apartment seekers come across your offer. Even a minor or poor optimization of the advertisements becomes a problem, as it stands in the way of the visibility of your offer and can reduce the findability to zero.
What it depends on with advertisements in the housing stock exchange
The more information you reveal, the more serious the impression of your offer will be. In order to create transparency and provide interested parties with a concrete overview, all form fields must be filled with information and filled out in an understandable way. A housing exchange starts with brief information, which is completed by a detailed description text. The pictures of the apartment generate emotions in the prospective customer and ensure that the contact is made with a request for a viewing appointment. After the publication in the important housing exchanges the largest number of inquiries prevails. A fast reaction to form inquiries, as well as your accessibility by telephone is assumed. In addition to the classic questions and appointments for the tour, you can also expect interested parties to make unusual enquiries, for example about the development plan or the field map. Also lettings are a relevant aspect, which should already be apparent in the advertisement. Interested parties will find dubious offers where information about a rented apartment is only provided in the course of the conversation. Unfortunately, this circumstance is a reality in some housing exchanges, since rented apartments are only interesting for investors and would not be the focus of attention for self-users. If you have obtained all the documents and have dealt intensively with their content, this information should not be an obstacle for you. Prospective buyers distinguish between professional and unprofessional advertisements in housing exchanges. The presentation by a broker always achieves a professional effect and is an indicator that more inquiries are received. Since you do not have to take care of the communication and all other details of the Vermakelung yourself with a achievement of Lukinski, you are well advised from the outset and do not have to spend your time in the housing stock exchange.
The right position in the housing exchange – a place in the top 10 is promotional!
When it comes to the sale of your apartment, you want to realize the transaction without unnecessary delay. First and foremost is your position on the housing exchanges. If searchers find your offer on the first page of the respective portal, you have the best chances for a prompt sale. Practical experience has shown that offers further down the list are difficult to sell and often remain advertised for several months without much interest. This in turn has a negative effect on the sale, as properties advertised for longer periods are classified as “shopkeepers” and are automatically associated with defects. As a private owner, you are unfamiliar with the algorithms of housing exchanges, which can lead to errors and jeopardise the success of your ad. If you are planning to sell your property through Lukinski, you can rely on experienced estate agents with a network of partners with a broad reach. Your exposé is not only found in a housing exchange, but is also listed in all relevant portals and reaches a much larger target group. Thanks to our know-how and core competence in real estate marketing, you are assured of a top position in the offer and the foundation has been laid for the sale to take place in a short time and with professional performance.
What factors interested parties in the housing exchange pay attention to
The fact is that the location, the size of the apartment or property, the equipment and the total price are of primary relevance for prospective buyers. However, the format of the presentation should not be underestimated. Meaningful, content-rich and high-quality advertisements are preferred and receive more attention than private advertisements. If a broker like Lukinski stands behind an offer, this fact suggests experience and trustworthiness. For potential buyers of condominiums, the seriousness of an advertisement is a fundamental decision criterion. It is a large investment, which is often made through financing. Before an exposé is prepared and published in the Housing Exchange, you should know whether your offer will be sold for owner-occupiers or as a yield property for investors. Because the target group approach, but also the requirements to the facts differ. Most interested parties use different filters. If your apartment has a balcony or fireplace, these keywords should be included in the exposé and thus be adjustable in the filter. The same applies for a parking space or a garage, for the year of construction, the purchase price and the equipment. A professional registration in the housing exchange should always be based on the fact that you as advertiser and owner put yourself in the position of the interested party. Would you be interested in your apartment on the basis of the pictures and the exposé? If you answer yes to this question, you will also convince potential buyers.
Lukinski – Your real estate agency for the sale in apartment exchanges!
Advertisements in the housing exchange should be perfectly planned, professionally created and designed according to the important marketing aspects. The planning and realisation of the advertisement, the enquiries from interested parties and the sales processing are time-consuming and cost-intensive tasks. As experienced brokers with expertise, we are a strong partner for your house sale, cooperating with renowned housing exchanges and bringing your offer into the focus of the target group. Due to our extensive services up to the notarial authentication you have no work at all and sell your property safely and at the best price. Professional publications in housing exchanges are ideal for addressing prospective buyers with a large reach and for marketing your property properly. We save you time, stress and unnecessary costs when selling your property.