Tag Archive for: Requirements

House financing: requirements, costs, example + online calculator

House Financing – The term house financing covers various loans with which you can finance your own property. Find out here, with which loan you buy safely and cheaply. We will not only find a favorable construction or real estate loan for you, but also advise you in detail about which type of financing offers […]

Budget calculator – income and expenditure at a glance

Budget calculator – The budget calculator helps you to better organise your income and expenditure as part of your household management. This is especially important if you want to buy, renovate or build a new property. Budget calculator: Overview of income and expenditure Real estate buyers and builders are usually dependent on a real estate […]

Offer comparison calculator – advice & options

Offer comparison calculator – The offer comparison calculator is an important tool when it comes to choosing a partner for taking out a construction loan. Many builders are dependent on taking out a traditional loan at a bank or savings bank, because the funds from the equity, a building savings contract and a subsidized loan […]