Tag Archive for: Защита от кражи

Rental yield vs purchase price factor: Explained! Calculate for quick valuation / comparison of real estate

Calculate rental yield vs. purchase price factor – What is actually the difference between purchase price factor and gross rental yield? Real estate beginners and novices often hear two technical terms when it comes to property valuation, purchase price factor and gross rental yield (simply rental yield). Both help with quick property valuations so you […]

Real estate balance sheet / profitability: income properties, real estate purchase and cash flow optimisation

Real estate balance (Source: Alex Fischer) – Do you want others to help build your wealth? In this video, you’ll learn how certain income properties can give you another six for every one you pay! A comprehensive look at the economic part of real estate, both for cash investors, those who buy real estate for […]

Property Valuation: Determine market value, valuation and purchase price

How do you value land? How to calculate the market value of land? Who may value land? Who provides information about the standard land value? Value factors, location, equipment, market value, realistic price: This is how you can value your property. Valuate your land: Coming soon! Sell property Everything to procedure, building law, real estate […]