Divorce procedure – possibilities, advice, solutions

Divorce, process, options, advice, solutions, home, property, financing, sell, keep, property division, prenuptial agreement, tips. Among all joint acquisitions, the house stands as the largest asset in your possession. For this reason alone, a jointly acquired property purchased during the marriage period will also be the biggest “bone of contention” when it comes to the […]

Manage real estate despite separation pain: guide divorce – problems & solutions

Separation pain – time for great happiness: marriage, children and a joint property. These are the dreams of many couples. But unfortunately, everything rarely works out the way you dreamed it would. It is not all too rare for life to throw a spanner in the works. Many people are devastated after a breakup and […]

Divorce settlement: limits, contents and the correct form

Divorce settlement agreement – If a divorce can no longer be avoided, it should at least be settled amicably between the two spouses. An amicable divorce is the easiest and most cost-effective for all parties involved. A divorce settlement agreement helps to make divorce by mutual consent as uncomplicated as possible and settles all the […]

Name change after divorce: children, driver’s license & facts

Change of name after divorce – Often, after a divorce, spouses wish to change their surname to bring closure to the divorce, or simply to resume their birth name. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when doing so, which are outlined in the Civil Code. To give you an overview of […]

Pension rights adjustment: Facts about pensions after marriage

Pension equalisation – Pension equalisation must be carried out by the family courts in most divorces. This regulates the entitlements and prospects for a pension due to old age or reduced earning capacity that the spouses have acquired during the marriage. Marriages of up to three years must apply for pension equalisation, all others can […]

Pension entitlement divorce: Company pension, remarriage and pension equalisation – is half gone?

Pension entitlement after divorce – Those who want a divorce face many unanswered questions. One of them is the pension and how this is treated in the divorce. In this context, couples are confronted with the word pension equalization, which means nothing more than that the pension rights acquired during the marriage are divided between […]

Divorce procedure: divorce petition, pension equalization and divorce date

Divorce procedure – application, pension rights adjustment and dates… The process of a divorce depends largely on whether it is contested or amicable. Amicable divorces can be final in minutes at the family court, while contested divorces often drag on for months. Find out what things to consider and how to make the divorce go […]

Separation year: alimony, form, new partners – How does the separation year work?

Separation year – in every marriage there are crises. However, if these are insurmountable, it often comes to separation and the desire for divorce. However, before this can be made legally binding, the couple must go through a separation year. But why is this separation year needed at all and how does the divorce proceed […]

Alimony divorce: children, duration, calculate and tax – How long do I pay?

Alimony after divorce – According to the Federal Statistical Office, 153,500 marriages were divorced in Germany. With every divorce, the issue of alimony also arises and becomes an important point in the negotiations. Particularly with common accounts and divided income the question about the financial future stands frequently unclarified in the area. Therefore, the experts […]

Equalisation of gains in the event of divorce

Equalisation of gains – Equalisation of gains is the equal division of the gains acquired during a marriage in the event of divorce. In the event of a divorce, the spouse who has acquired fewer assets during the marriage may be required to pay equalisation. In this case, the gain is the difference between the […]

What happens to the house upon divorce?

At the time of purchase, no couple thinks about divorce and its consequences. However, life often takes unexpected and difficult paths, which can become complicated, especially in the case of jointly purchased and financed property. If divorce is inevitable, you should work together to find an adequate solution for your home. There are various options […]