Real estate holding: box privilege and only 1.54% tax on sale

Nesting privilege, my new favorite word! Although I’ve known about the holding model for ages, today was the first time I heard the term “Schachtelprivileg”. Simply put: only 1.54% tax on the sale of real estate! If you’re wide-eyed now, check out this short article on real estate holding. Tip! Learn more about legal forms […]

Wealth building: Real estate, stocks, cryptocurrency … ?! Capital accumulation with 20, 30, 40 years – tips

Wealth accumulation – When does it make sense to start building wealth through strategically intelligent investment? At 20, 30, 40 or even at 50? Is there a simple formula or tips for investing with good returns? What about risk, depending on the type of investment? Here’s an in-depth look at wealth building, for beginners. Without […]

Capital investment in Germany: Where to invest? Cities, real estate, returns and development

Capital investment in Germany, but where? Investors all over the world are looking for good, profitable capital investments in Germany. The reason is clear: Germany is the most active and profitable market for real estate in Europe. Whether it’s a condominium, a single-family home, an apartment building or an entire neighborhood with different types of […]

Understand, Convert & Build Assets: Tax Optimization, Tax-Free

Converting taxes into private assets – Here you will find links to articles on tax optimization. For beginners and of course for you, if you are already an entrepreneur. I want to give you a first, small overview of what tax optimization means, from the first step to learning from experts, or their experiences and […]

Trump only pays 750 Euro Income Tax!? How to, Tax Coaching + More

Today it flickered across the news tickers of the world. According to the New York Times, US President Trump pays only 750 euros in income tax. It gets even better, according to the New York Times Trump paid no income tax in 10 of 15 years from 2000 onwards. Are these questionable tax saving strategies […]

“Billion-dollar gift for Springer boss: shares largely tax-free”? Can I do that too?

“Billion dollar gift for Döpfner – largely tax-free?” – this headline is not from me, but from the morning mail. Therefore immediately a new article on the topic tax optimization and the question: How does that work? Matthias Döpfner has actually turned the publishing house upside down as boss. While owner Friede Springer stands confidently […]

Tax coaching by Alex Fischer: Experience, taxes, subsidies & Co – knowledge for your assets

Tax coaching by Alex Fischer: My experiences from over 8 weeks of coaching & live events. I do not know how much I may anteasern in this small experience report at all from the tax coaching of Alex Fischer. However, today I want to give you a little insight into what you can expect in […]

Real Estate, Taxes & Wealth: Learning from Investor Experiences – Alex Fischer, Rockefeller & Jobs

Real Estate, Taxes & Wealth: Learning from Investor Experiences. When the US president pays only $750 in income tax, and the Springer CEO gets a stock package of almost 1 billion euros almost tax-free, and all of this is perfectly legal, one thing is clear: in terms of taxes, there is still room for all […]

Should you invest a lottery win in real estate? Safe investment

Should you invest a lottery win in real estate? Admittedly! The chances of becoming really rich with a lottery win are rather small. Experts speak of a ratio of 1 : 140 million. And yet, week after week, countless people put their crosses on the lottery tickets in the hope of hitting the famous “jackpot”. […]