Tag Archive for: Weekend house

Property Tax USA vs Germany: Comparison & Difference

Property Tax USA vs Germany – Real estate ownership obligates, especially to property tax, whether you are a real estate owner in the USA or in Germany. Here’s a little insight into the differences between USA and Germany with a look at purpose, calculation, tax amount and payment deadlines. Property tax: what is it? What […]

Holiday home: buy and rent out property by the sea, lake or in the mountains & achieve a return on your investment

Buying a holiday home – Hardly any other type of property is more suitable as an investment than a holiday home. It is not only characterized by an excellent location, but through modern media and Internet portals, the re-renting of these houses has become very easy. This makes it much easier to generate income with […]

Resolution (WEG) concerning certain matters of the condominium owners

Resolution (WEG) – The resolution of a condominium owners’ association (WEG) concerns matters that were jointly voted on and decided in the condominium owners’ meeting. However, resolutions can only be passed by condominium owners if they have a statutory resolution authority. Resolution (WEG) at a glance: Result of the condominium owners’ meeting Concerns matters of […]

Default reserve (WEG) in the event of insolvency

Default reserve (WEG) – The default reserve comes into effect in the event of the insolvency of a condominium owner if there is a risk that the owner will no longer be able to meet his financial obligations. In order not to endanger the entire community by the insolvency, this default reserve can be determined, […]