Tag Archive for: Reply

Taxes in Germany: Income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, trade tax & Co. – List

Taxes in Germany – Corporation tax (KSt), income tax (ESt), capital gains tax (KapESt), turnover tax (USt), trade tax (GewSt) – who pays what? In this overview of the different types of taxes / tax forms in Germany, you will find relevant taxes for you as an individual and for your company, depending on which […]

Income tax (ESt) simply explained: forms, basic table, wage tax & Co.

Income tax – Most legal forms of business are subject to taxation. Depending on the legal form, income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, trade tax and/or capital gains tax are due by law. Under certain circumstances, it is possible for some companies to be exempt from one or more of these types of tax. […]

Civil law partnership (GbR): formation, liability, legal form, management, taxes

Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (GbR) – The Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts is a German legal form which is established by two or more persons for a certain period of time in order to conduct a certain business together or to achieve a common goal. It is therefore always for a specific purpose and usually exists only as […]

Investment Property Investor Interviews: From the first apartment to a million

Real estate as an investment – step by step, from the basics to specific questions on the topic: Investor Interviews. Earn money with real estate! Here you will find tips from professionals. Good luck. Common questions include: What is investment real estate? How do you calculate the return on a property? What is investment property? […]