Tag Archive for: Proof

Cryptocurrencies List: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash & Co.

Buy cryptocurrency – BitCoin, BitCoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Ripple, Zcash or Binarcy Coin: They are considered the answer to traditional means of payment. Through the digitalization and decentralization of money, banks become superfluous. Only buyers and sellers are responsible for the control and security of their digital money. You want to invest in Bitcoin […]

Certificate of competence – You should check this

Certificate of competence – Many clients ask whether there is a certificate of competence for real estate agents. This is not provided by the legislator, so that you do not have to look for a certificate of competence when hiring an estate agent. It is different with the obligation to the advanced training and further […]

Credit cards – credit limit and usage options

Credit cards – Credit cards are considered a very popular means of payment on the market. Originally they come from the USA. There and in many other countries around the world they are widely used. In Germany, the acceptance of credit cards has increased significantly in recent years. The reason for this is that the […]